søndag 21. november 2010

I only got one wish, it's a kiss. By you, babalabaloo.

Gutt: Du ødelegger karakterene mine!..:(
Jente: unnskyld meg?...
Gutt: jaaa.. jeg tenker på deg hele tida, og det får meg til glemme alt annet ..
gutt: heeei søta<3
jente: hei kjekkeste!
gutt: finne på noe idag babe?
jente: sorry, er litt optatt idag.
gutt: åja, hva skal du?
jente: spille robot unicort attack<3
Roses are red. Violets are blue. A face like you, belongs in the zoo. Dont feel sad, dont feel blue. FRANKENSTEIN WAS UGLY TOO!!
Brunette: 'Do you know that Christmas is on a friday this year?' Blondie: 'Oh, let's hope it's not going to be the 13th!

torsdag 18. november 2010


How are you, Panda?

the last time Joanna was here to see my new house...she bursted out laughing from my room because my panda was flat xD!


onsdag 17. november 2010

come to the dark side...we have cookies :)

giving tumblr a second chance...made one last year...though I forgot what the url was :|
so here it is:


I heard your friend told a friend that told a friend of mine. That you was thinking that we should do it one more time. ♥

Fuck You - Cee Lo Green =)
despite the title, it's pretty nice =)

Ja! Endelig ferdig med eksamen! nå er det bare tentamen, prøver og innleveringer! great.
gjett hvem jeg møtte på eksamensstedet? André, ikke Cruz men Veitvet ;)
Hvorfor i all verden skal man møte opp senest kl 8 når det starter kl 9?! 
so we went to ICA...og møtte Osama :) 
og da jeg bestemte meg for å kjøpe salat...måtte han absolutt bare lage salaten for meg...så han stappa inn 348759347kg kylling, agurk, mais!, pasta! ost, krutonger! og gulrot...UTEN SALAT.
hallo....det er jo meningen med salat da :P
kjøpte kakao på "vår" deli de luca...(koster bare 10 kr!)
det var overraskende lovebirds i andre etasje der "paranormal" stedet var...under lampene :)
gikk forbi stedet der du...yeah. 
Winter was us.


mandag 15. november 2010

and he came crawling back.

If it's meant to be, it will :)

Meant To Be - Melissa Polinar


Nothing's gonna change my love for you.

elsker denne versjonen :)

leste The Last Song her om dagen...og fikk tårer på banen...heldigvis skjulte panneluggen de tårene ;)
så trist :(


søndag 14. november 2010

hanging by a moment here with you.

Whatever It Takes
Hanging By A Moment
Take Me Away
Had Enough

The Weekend
Michael Gray :)


lørdag 13. november 2010

we always go back because it's easier. comforting. safer.

så på Vampire Diaries! :) Damon in my <3
Hørte denne sangen og jeg måtte bare google den :)
thank God for pause button :)

It Is What It Is - Lifehouse
elsker stemmen til vokalisten <3

Too long we’ve been denying
Now we’re both tired of trying
We hit a wall and we can’t get over it
Nothing to relive
It’s water under the bridge
You said it, I get it
I guess it is what it is


"If God sends us on hard paths, He provides us with strong shoes!"

klokken var tre og noen ringer.
skjult nummer.
"blahblahblah wakey wakey i wanna play with you"
hvem var deeeet? 


Destiny. Freaky.

it's kinda weird when you think of one person...and the next second...that person is standing right infront of you. freaky.

one time, I stayed late at school writing my report. on my way home I thought:
"I wonder if I'll meet that person"
...then somebody waved. Wow...it was that person, plus another one. But still.

On Thursday I spent 4 hours at the library because of my math test. There was this person who I used to hang out with at the library. Were so loud, we got shhh-ed at xD. Anyways...
I thought: "Hmmm...who's good at math? Right! He was suppossed to help me with my math this year! I wonder if I'll meet him randomly and he'd help me (prøven gikk rett i dass...blir sikkert stryk)
While I waited for the train, I read a book. (The Last Song!)
It's so nice! But anyways...while reading, I saw a pair of feet that stopped infront of me. I was thinking: "Maybe it's him and he'd help me!"
Well guess what...it was! Then I asked him where he was...he answered: Library. 
Freaky. Woot Woot.

If I thought of a thousand dollars...would it appear?! Please :)


tirsdag 9. november 2010

coming back just 'coz it's comfortable. safe. easier.

ferdig med norsk tentamen! 
det er jo dritkaldt ute! og det snødde. gleder meg bare til å dra til Filippinene.
Shopping og sol!
familie og venner!
shopping og sol! :)

hei bart
EYC CHAMPS! og kaken fra...madelyn sin debut, i think? eller...
finn tre feil.
remember this?


Just A Dream - Nelly

mandag 8. november 2010

dot dot dot

 If you push too much, she'll fall off the cliff.
Now she did, didn't she?
Who do you have? 


the first one I see when I wake up and the last one before I sleep.


vet at det her er kjempe lang, men er verdt det as!
bra måte å øve til morsmålseksamen


Ever felt like ending your life?

I have. A lot of times. Thought of ways, but was just too lazy to do so. Just kidding :)
but seriously.

Are you thinking about suicide? Thinking about how, if you killed yourself, nobody would care?  Think again.  If you kill yourself you will change somebodies world. That's right. They will see everything differently. Just hearing your name will burn their mind with memories. They wont be able to go near where you lived, even your town will hold memories. Listening to the radio they'll hear that song, remember,that song you sang with them once? They'll step past your locker every day and wonder why you are not there. Why are you not there??   Do you want to be responsible for your family members, the people who love you, crying every night? For your sisters or brothers losing part of who they are? Your suicide is going to effect most deeply those who care about you most. That's not right. One of your friends may break down, and just like you, their world will be dark. The pain you are in is awful, but why pass it on to hundreds of people around you, when you could try your hardest to work through it?  Your family will be paranoid. Suddenly everyone will be talking about them. Do you want to be known as 'the kid who killed themselves?' People you never knew will be crying when they hear what you've done. Yes, they will be affected. Everyone around you will stop and think ;; "was there something i could have done?" Suddenly the people of your world are dying with guilt. All those little hints you gave, they'll remember them. Oh yes, and it will torture them all the time.   Your friends will think of suicide. Your closest friends are likely to go into a depression like the one that claimed your life. How will they cope, without you? This will break them, for the rest of their lives. And lets not forget the people who will plan your funeral. Your closest friends and family picking out songs for you, photos of you. Crying all the night before, and all the day of your funeral. And all the night after. In fact, they will cry now more than you ever did. Could they have saved you?   They'll be angry. Oh yes. Why didn't you tell them? They loved you. And now it's too late. They'll be angry with you because they know, they know you could have gotten through it. Then they'll be angry with themselves because they may have been able to save you if only they knew.  And one day, one day years from now, they'll remember you. They will all still remember you. The girl that sat up the front of your class; she'll remember you. The bus driver you saw every morning; he'll remember you. That little girl you sat with on the bus once, The kid you leant money to at the shop, all your siblings friends, the people that you dont see, but that see you everyday they will all remember you. And every single one of them will wonder; why?  But imagine your family.  You are part of them. Without you, something is missing. If you killed yourself then part of them dies too. They are incomplete. Every family gathering will be missing something. The photos on the wall are suddenly all cold reminders of what you did.   Who goes through your bedroom? Who cleans out your locker? Who calls the school to tell them one of their students has died? .. Who tells the students? Who calls the funeral directors? Who arranges a coffin for you? Who calls your best friend to tell them you're dead??   Who finds you?  Please, there are other ways out. I know sometimes the struggle is very, very hard. But it's not worth giving up on life. Life is all we have, life is everything. Its the beautiful moments, and the sad ones. Please, don't give up on all those around you. You can make it through.  My teacher said this about her father, who commited suicide: "I understand that the pain is overwhelming, but I will never forgive him for the pain he has caused others. It was just selfish. If you kill yourself you spread the suffering among thousands of people, it doesn't only affect those around you but everyone who has ever come in contact with you.Please, keep fighting. You can get through this and see that there is life after what you're facing now. It may be hard, but you'll get there, and when you do you will appreciate it so much more. I understand that most people know that suicide affects others, but please keep this in mind if you're ever feeling so low. Give people the chance to help you.

Tårer as. Men hallo...don't spread the sadness if you are feeling so low. 

if you saw how happy your loved ones were when they got their first glimpse of you, you would want to turn those smiles upside down and you don't want them to break down and lose themselves. That's just selfish. You might think you're done with it, but you will cause greater pain if you escape.
thanks, R.

søndag 7. november 2010

and I know that I should say goodbye but it's no use, can't be with or without you. ♫

So how did you get here under my skin?
I swore that I'd never let you back in, 
should have known better in trying to let you go
'coz here we go go go again.

Here We Go Again - Demi Lovato

I want nobody nobody but you, nobody! woah woah woah

Nobody - Wondergirls

i fjor deltok Ano?nymous på YOUth Got Talent for andre gang :)
og vi vant. MJ Crew vant danse delen :) Ble oppdaget av en manager og nå tjener de penger, just by doing what they love :) Oh yeah.
Følelsen av å stå der og gjøre det man elsker å gjøre...er rett og slett herlig!
Å vite at man har inspirert folk...woof! 
Well, guess what...
it's that time of the year again!

premien? 5000 KR!

Det kommer til å bli så awesome! Salen kommer til å bli fylt med glede, spenning og ikke minst...talent! woohoo! Come come come!

YOUth Got Talent
20. november
kl 18:00

Jeg likte den dagen veldig. Ikke bare fordi vi vant...men fordi alt begynte der for real. Alt som ble holdt inne lenge...ble released, unveiled, unleashed you name it. Det var toppen av kaka! And I'm glad it did! Turned out to be something great :) The "history"...I hid it in my drawer...not gonna read it again before...i dunno...i just hope my mom won't see it :)

Da kuya Nikki kom på scenen med de store sjekkene...klarte han å miste én av de. Og det sto 1st price: A...
Jeg, Chona og Nicole så det...og vi så på hverandre med did-you-just-see-that-blikk...og vi tenkte det var enten oss...eller Asian Domination (btw, jeg tror de deltar i år også! nice!) Vi bestemte oss for å ikke si noe til Rach...don't wanna spoil it. 

and the winner is...
*drum roll*


Selv om man håpet på å vinne, vil man jo fremdeles holde forventningen lavt...men det var awesome! So if you wanna win 5000kr...det er jo 2000kr mer enn det vi fikk i fjor så det er enda bedre!...meld deg på YGT NÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅ!

But yeah...kom til YGT! Det blir sååååå gøy :)
I still got extra tickets! :P


"I wasn't that drunk"..."Dude, we found you in the bush."

yo :)
veldig uproduktiv helg.
skulle gjøre norsk, matte og japansk...lizm. 
endte opp med Pretty Little Liars Marathon :)

og mamma klippet håret mitt...ble litt fail...i knew it! stoler ikke på henne! :p men ja ja, klippet litt her og der...funker helt ok.

 4år siden? kødda...2 da :p
 kort eller langt?
holder meg til  langt, jeg

nå skal jeg ete :)



fredag 5. november 2010

stop in the name of love.


reblogged these pictures.



Kjøttmarkedet var...kleint. Vi dummet oss ut (det var jo poenget) men vi er nå VIPs da :) 
syns så synd på de førstis gutta som strippa...og ingen begynte å by :(

men oh well :)

jeg slettet nettopp friendster profilen min for den har jeg ikke brukt på mange år. Og lol. Folk jeg ikke kjenner legger meg til og spammer og de er creepy. Men det var litt lol å se gamle fjortizz bilder! Forandret mye. Bla. blitt feitere haha! :P live your life! 

burde egentlig ikke gjøre det her men men

god natt! :)


If you're always stuck in your past, you won't be able to receive the present that God's trying to give.

Shake it off. Let it go :)
But don't forget it, 'coz the lesson you learned may come in handy in the future :)


torsdag 4. november 2010

Sometimes you gotta listen to your brain just to save your heart.

(how can't you love a cutie like this guy? <3)

" Sometimes you gotta listen to your brain just to save your heart. "

It doesn't mean you're chickening out, either. It's just knowing the right choice to save your heart before it gets entirely broken. Who said life is easy? I certainly didn't get a heads up for that one. 
I would say that listening to your brain just to save your heart is like...taking precautions. 'Coz the hard decisions you make now will be rewarded later. For instance, breaking up with the jerk who does nothing but disrespects you. If you love that guy, it will be hard. But hey, it's for the better. Because someday in the future, there will be a better suited guy that will heal that broken part that the jerk caused. 

Smart has the brains but stupid has the balls. 

Sometimes it's nice to be both :)

"Sometimes you have to lie for the truth to be heard." - J.

always I wanna be with you and make believe with you and live in harmony, harmony :)

yepp. unicorn attack frenzy...
mitt mønster: jump jump crash.

dro til byen og senere til smart club i dag...uten ankel støtte! gjett om jeg vrikka foten igjen da... :Ø

men ja ja :)
i morgen er det nemlig...

wait for it...

dvs at man kan:
-selge seg selv
-kjøpe noen
- le av andre som dummer seg ut
- strippe (optional!)

folk gjør det for å bli VIP på juleballet...
og i morgen skal jeg, Sandra Dee, KimPo, Zariño og Paya selge oss...og planen er at Hannah, Alara og Fanni skal kjøpe oss xD AAANER ikke hva vi skal gjøre...skal ihvertfall IKKE strippe!


tirsdag 2. november 2010

-Don't cry for a guy, let a guy cry for you. Cause girls give and forgive, but guys get and forget.

skulket 4t bare for å lage cupcakes...oh well

smelta sjokolade med toppings og marshmallows og toblerone
crunchy on the outside, soft in the inside aka litt brent :P

sånt skjer når man kjeder seg


mandag 1. november 2010

He swallowed. Resisting the urge to kiss her.

yooo :)

i morgen skal jeg bake muffins til klassetur-aksjonen dvs jeg må stå opp kl 6.30 for å røre muffinsrøret og smelte toblerone for glasuren...

 haha ser ut som jeg har bart
...lånte håret til dukken min litt for å se om jeg kledde blunt bangs...so whatcha think?
