torsdag 17. juni 2010

weird facts.

did you know?

The name of all the continents end with the same letter that they start with. 
It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.
Mosquitoes have 47 teeth!!!!!
  The word "gymnasium" comes from the Greek word gymnazein which means "to exercise naked."
Mosquitos are attracted to pregnant women, overweight people, and sweaty people. 
Mosquitoes can fly through RAIN DROPS without getting hit.  
fishes can change their gender. you know xD 
weird stuff


it's officially summer! WOOHOO!!!!! gleder meg til eventsene xD! weeee =)
kommer til å savne skolen og de som skal på utveksling i 1 or 2 år :(
begynte på jobb i dag...
ringe forskjellige firmaer i Stavanger om et seminar osv...
tjener 130 per time...not bad, eh?! money money =)
skal hente tanta mi..og sønnen hennes i morgen som flyr fra Tyskland... =)
Scheiße...haha! =)
 kontoret...weehee... =)
nyt solen...
men pass på å ikke bli som henne:



matte + fotball
cat for sale... fail.

ble litt bubble tea hos Joanna H og nam! digg var det xD


onsdag 16. juni 2010

I was like oh oh oh never wanna let you go go go ♫

Blind - Jason Derulo
I was like oh oh oh
never wanna let you go go go
Cause I was open before
I was open before
but now I know
That love made me blind
so I couldn't see
all the lies you told
were right in front of me
Since love made me blind
you made a fool of me
You made it look so perfect
when it wasn't meant to be
Your love made me blind
love made me blind
love made me blind
Your love made me blind

Cause I
felt your lips pressed against mine
thought the sweet smell of your perfume was all mine
I love the way you scream my name

Fallen - Jason Derulo

i <3 this =)


tirsdag 15. juni 2010

"have a little faith in me"

ok...den smarteste i klassen er pålogget.

måtte bare spørre om matte...jeg er så nervewreck akkurat nå...
og det beste tipset jeg fikk fra han var ikke om relativ frekvens eller noe faglig..
det var:
jeg må stole på meg selv...
har glemt å stole på meg selv i det siste.
oooh...23:23...wish! xD!

men serrrrr......hjeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!!!!!!!!



matte eksamen min er der...bilder...musikk...filer...OSV! faen. unnskyld men herregud da!


mandag 14. juni 2010

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen and welcome aboard flight 123 to heaven.

last english presentation, I was given the task to present the geography of South Africa together with my classmate. So I figured out that we could be a little creative. We pretended that we were cabin attendants of South African Airways. It was funand the class played along. woohoo!

I have always wanted to be a flight attendant...! Singapore Airlines (the best ever!) has always been the goal xD
but yeah...minimum 1.58 tall...i need 4cm more xD!!! aja..!!!

Do I start flying immediately upon joining?
As a cabin crew trainee, you will undergo a comprehensive training program of about 3.5 months that will cover topics such as:
  • Product Knowledge including Food & Beverage
  • Service Procedures
  • Passenger Handling
  • Deportment & Grooming
  • Language & Communication Skills
  • Safety Equipment Procedures
  • First Aid
    oh well..back to Muntlig freaking eksamen...

    R.O.F.L.S.H.V.U.A.K.O.M.A.I.L- Rolling On Floor Laughing So Hard Voldemort Uses Avada Kedavra On Me And I Live




















幸せの 感じ






微笑みよ もう一度だけ


















great. just great.

aw crap.
aw freaking crap.

men nei daaaa...!!! jeg kom opp i det verste faget ever MATTE!...og det verste temaet...nemlig sannsynlighet...
"nei da. :Æ"
og great...jeg er først.
men nå som jeg tenker over det så er det ikke så ille :)

er ferdig med å løse oppgaven =) iLike! 
brukte dagen på biblioteket (kjelleren) med Marius, Paya og Sigurn N. det var lættis og vi fikk gjort ingenting fordi vi lo og snakket om rare ting xD!

men så dro jeg og Paya til TEXMEX woohoo og spiste Hawaiian Burgeeeeeeeeeerrrrrr!!! =)

oh well...får bare gjøre litt matte her og der...dvs. facebook, tv og youtube xD!

you owe me an apology. a real one.

sooo...I was chatting with Joanna H. about tv-series...then suddenly Eclipse popped up =)
oooooooh...utsolgt. BOO!

last year, I got a Jacob poster from her, because she was at the pre-premier =)
but I forgot to take it with she told a CERTAIN SOMEONE to take real goooooooood care of the poster...
he offered to buy me a new one...but næh. whatever.'s how it looks like xD
squishy squashed
 (my fault tho)
however...this isn't my fault xD
the paper is ruined and there are white marks where the paper is "scratched" out. Jacob  got two white piercings xD

J: hva har du gjort med den? den er herpa!
J: jeg åpnet den litt...
J: what? why!?
J: jeg var nysgjerrig.

sometimes life is rains on some people, while it shines on others.

but...there's a rainbow always after the rain.
second time spotting a rainbow from my new bedroom =)

good night! =)


the sweetest song ever.

from Proposal Daisakusen...
it has the sweetest melody ever...! 
and the way the little girl is "playing" the piano...that she drew on the ground :)
...kunne sangen på piano før...3years ago that is. må lære meg den igjen =)


So help me, God.

pliiiiiiiiiiz la meg slippe eksamen!!!

anyway... god kveld =)
Insensitive: You already see that I'm here, yet you are being flirtatious in front of me.
What's the purpose of your something, when he has someone?
let's reverse:
what's the purpose of his someone, when you have something?

he...he...he...copy much from Ajuhma, eh? xD


søndag 13. juni 2010

No more.

So tired
Tired of all this drama
You go your way
I go my way (no more, no more)

So tired
Tired of all this drama

Broken heart again
Another lesson learned
Better know your friends
Or else you will get burned
Gotta count on me
Cuz I can guarantee that I'll be fine

No more pain (no more pain)
No more pain (no more pain)
No drama (no more drama in my life, no ones gonna make me hurt again)
No more in my life

No More Drama - Mary J. Blige

omg...I cried the first time I watched this video! =(
so nice

The wind that blows the dove
Is the wind that blows my love
Hoping to find its way to you
Wherever you are
Wherever you are - South Border

Loved you once, love you still, always have, always will.

Vært hos Guro fordi hun skal reise til Chile om 2 mnd..og skal være der i ett år! awww...
vi spiste tortilla, nam!
kake, godteri og andre usunne saker xD
spilte Pictionary (vi vant!)
og Ta sjansen! (vi vant!)
...hahaha...kropp mot kropp...
tommel - navle
øre - kinn
hår - hånd
rompe - rompe
hånd - bryst!
hahahaha!!! xD!!!!


god natt =)
 kom hjem nå og skal ikke sove før kl 03 <3

lørdag 12. juni 2010


ah ah...serien er ferdig... it was nice, so innocent and funny.
the ending was a bit...uh...i was left hanging in the air...oh well...

his nostalgic.

skal trene og dra på fest igjen woohoo =)

darling, we were meant to be...

gratulerer med dagen, pinas!
men jeg orket ikke å dra til parken for å feire...så...jeg brukte tiden heller på å se ferdig Kimi no Todoke.
and omg...when i watched it...i LOL-ed! because the story is sooo was almost scary how exact it was to mine.

here it goes.
Winter. They met up with each other. He brought her a present...she did not have one for him.
He gave her a cellphone strap, because she got a new phone!
and he tried to tie the strap...after 59864 minutes, he managed to do so.
the phone doesn't look like mine...but the story is perfectly similar...
i got the phone strap as a Christmas present, too...! As well as my phone (but my phone is now...not so brand new-looking xD!)

the panda strap had a bell inside it, so it was always noisy. A lot of people complained about it, even my mom got mad. After I figured out I didn't want to be bothered anymore...I threw it while I was with Harold and Andre...looking for a present for....secreeeet xD
But anyway, I threw it at Oslo City's trash can xD! lol.

Andre: omg, pa drama drama ka pa, bare kast den! xD
i miss it though, it was cute =)

kl er 02:45

fra Kimi ni Todoke...omg...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
så corny/cliché men samtidig übersøt! xD

kanskje jeg bør sove nå?

rock and roll, hey, don't you know, baby.

rock band 3, woohoo!
niiiice =)


they're gone. immune. not affected. happy. but there's still a magnet pulling me.

Gjorde ingenting på skolen enn å rydde.
Fikk meg jobb woohoo...!!! Hos et datafirma, skal ringe klienter!  money money moneeeeey!!! 130kr i timen, not bad, eh? æLike!
C.A: vi snakket om døden.
vi skulle tegne gravsteinen vår...scary og ubehagelig!
min så slik ut:

de andre hadde sære ideer:
+ glow in the dark gravstein
+ statue av han som peker til den som besøker og sier: You are next!
+ en som ønsker seg bevegelsesdetektor på graven hans, og hver gang noen tråkker på, kommer det en lyd, stemmen hans: "Hei, hva gjør du her?"
+ noen ville skrive: "See you soon!" på gravsteinen hans
+ noen vil ha en hengende grav
omg lol.

bygningen jeg skal jobbe i har en liten foss-ish.
ble singstar, buzz, kake, pizza, brus, godteri hos Hannah i dag =)
kom hjem kl...nå...00.00 og gjett hvem som er soaking wet.
glemte paraply, smartass.

goodnight! =)

Random Line:
Anonymous: STIKKER DU?!

torsdag 10. juni 2010


på vei til byen fra veitvet tok jeg linje 5 til Storo.
jeg gikk inn. begynte å hoste mens jeg letet etter en ledig plass. alle som satt i første vognen hostet pga støv eller noe. det var skikkelig vondt i halsen.
så en freaky mann og snudde andre veien og satt  meg ned.
han freaky mannen sto opp. tok ut en KNIV fra avis trolleyen hans!!!
en dame med barn kom inn og en mann fortalte henne å sitte langt fra han freaky mannen. 
jeg sto opp. trykket knappen 384538975 ganger. gikk av.

hell no would I stay there and watch the freak and his knife!!!

folka som gikk av banen kalte han freak og de klaget.

oh well.


onsdag 9. juni 2010

blue hole.

wanna go to Belize...!
looooks so nice...but I wouldn't dive there...that's just scary. 
Never knowing what's down there. Pitch-black and dark. Maybe there's a wil creature with 93487239472 legs waiting to eat people? haha!! xD

kewl...but he didn't reach the ocean bed, though =)
still amazing =)
