aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....i'm bored...
har ikke time fra kl 09.45 til 12.30...hva gjør jeg? spiser sjokokjeks...hører på Heaven-J. Foxx...og drøyer tiden...
SUCCESS skal jeg si deg! haha! :D
questions exist to be answered...but it doesn't mean that I will answer all of your questions... :)
+ do you?
- yes...
+ really? since when?
- since july...
+ why?
- music connects intertwines them...
+ what's going on?
- oh nothing, the usual...
+ an event that you can say is " almost magical"...
- when I saw my first falling star...
+ really? where?
- italy...
+ who were you with at that time?
- friends...around 12 midnight...
+ have you spotted a falling star again with your friends after that night?
- yeah...with the exact same people I was with in Italy...
+ cool...! what else can you imagine as a "magical" moment?
- what is it with you and magical stuff? don't tell me you're obsessed with magic spells and tricks?
+ no...just asking
- oh ok...i dunno...maybe when I gaze into the eyes of the one I like? it's like their eyes are reflecting the falling star...or the starry sky...or fireworks...i dunno... my imagination tends to be soooo exaggerating... ( this is a ridiculous sentence that really doesn't apply to my situation :p ) * i'm trying to copy and paste a smiley from Microsoft Word...and it's not working...instead of a smiley...i get the letter " J " all the time...freaking copy and paste...*
+ what are you eating?
- choco chip cookies...!!! naaaam <3
+ who were you on the phone with last night?
- my mom? she asked me to defrost the meat...haha!!!
+ who were you chatting on msn last night?
- a friend
+ about?
- about school and projects...
+ what's on your mind right now?
- whether I should start working on my assignments...and where my english book is!
+ what makes you smile...?
- *smile* a lot of, music, conversations, family, friends...something like those...
+ ok..last question... are you happy?
- YES!
+ why? ooooh...uyyy
- hey! you said that was the last question!
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