torsdag 24. september 2009

225th: oh my peeeeeep!

day ruined...decisions made...crappy day...but became better after school...

g00d morning, sunshine! ...NOT! good morning sunshine my a''...s2pd!
my day didn't start well...let's just say the internet reveals a lot than it should...whatever...the
good news it that...i'm done with my norwegian assignment... have a presentation tomorrow...and then VACATION!

kept thinking about what i discovered yesterday...i couldn't even keep up with the easiest math! wth? i used to understand was just not my day...

Decisions answer is changed from Yes to No...skal ikke være med til Gøteborg alikavel...jeg kan heller spare pengene mine...gledet meg skikkelig...something in the I'd rather stay in Oslo...have a slumber party at Andrea's house and talk about "scary eyes" with joanna haha!!! =) tsk tsk tsk...slem slem slem... =) and yeah another one:

Here's one for you...

I'm so stupid. How could I not see it? I understand you, girl. But it still confuses me...but I won't stand in ur way. Go get him, girl =)

that's it for the decisions...oh wait...

I was supposed to meet up with Dars n Julian, Dence and buy a gift for Pao2x...but i ended up eating at Chopsticks with Andre, Andrea, Joanna, Joanna H og Silje... another decision...minor tho =)

read my horoscope :

Pisces Horoscopes

(Feb 19 - Mar 20)

Last Week | This Week | Next Week
For the Week of Sep 21st, 2009 -- Friends and groups could be especially challenging for you this weekend. Leave yourself a way out before getting on board with a crowd of people. You may wind up being responsible for others' questionable behavior, which is not a desirable role to play. Pick your playmates carefully to stay on the pleasurable side of the street.

min tolkning: (jeg hadde en tolkningsoppgave = p ) that...neh...i just found it relevant with my situation...getting on board ...bokstavelig talt? im not boarding the bus to Gøteborg...getting on board on a what? new complications?!  oslo? gøteborg?oslo?gøteborg? = Oslo =)...there are just some things that hit me now...w0w...! didn't see it coming...or did I?

såååå ble dagen bedre... =)
var ute og spiste på Chopsticks med Andre, Joanna, Joanna H, Andrea og Silje... tok bilder...weird/skække bilder..hahah! deleeete! de fikk lattekrampe da jeg viste dem bankkortet og A-kortet mitt....bildene var så...let's just de ligner ikke på meg.. =) så dro vi til Zara...så at Andre kunne få gaven sin fra Ati...og til Rema 1000..for å kjøpe Sitting Bull og Cookies for 3.50 kr hver saaaalg =) og og og..! portrett bildet har kommet og...ew...haha! =) klassebildet ble bra...bortsett fra at jeg ikke var klar! hahah! elefant-klassen as <3

jeg har en samfunnsfag fremføring i morgen...i really really don't like standing infront of a class and have a presentation...! omg...can't I just sing instead?  i'll sing and show u my misery...I'm in the business of misery...

Somethin bout the way
Somethin bout the way you look
In my eyes
You make everything so damn easy
So easy that I don't got to worry bout a thing

And baby when we touch
All I can see is the image of us
Sitting by the ocean
Just before the dusk
Sippin on a juice box and
Sand between our toes

This is the part when we say were in love
And the part where we have our first kiss
But this ain't a movie
I know you can't come with me
You got your life
She better be treatin you right


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