onsdag 30. september 2009

245th: a mah gad...

today...today...today...i woke up at 6.45 am! i was supposed to pick something up...but I overslept...so i just picked it up around 8.30...and ...IT WAS FREEZING OUTSIDE OMG! 3 degrees! gaaaaah...!!! -_-''

then then then...off to the city to meet Andrea and her mom...to get our hairs cut! haha girl time =)
i'm happy with the hair change...but the hairstyler kinda faiiiiled a bit =) it looks weird..yea yea...i can live with it tho =) after that...grocery shopping with them...oh my...still was freezing outside...

i met my mom afterwards...and she told me : " I want to cut my hair too"...so she dragged me baaaack to the place gaaaah...since she didn't have a clue of it's whereabouts...but we got to do some shopping at Oslo City too =)


the temptation is BAAAACK again...!!!
i reaaaaally need to hide my bank card...omg...i'm like...kaching here..kaching there...kaching everywhere...!!!
we passed by this store..and I was like " oh ma, that jacket is nice" and she was like : " yeah, let's go in"
HÆÆÆH? my mom? shopping? huh?! okeeeeey? she normally says...."Gastos!!!"....in the end...i asked her to buy me a jacket that cost KR 1349,00!?!?!? omg!

and she didn't argue...? but i had to make a compromise...I'd buy her the jacket she wants too!
which is more expensive than mine! blæææææh....!!!!! oh my stipend money... :( haha!!!

no seriously...gotta fight temptation...!!!


I'll bury my credit card....
I'll drown myself in schoolwork so I won't think of shopping...
or u

tirsdag 29. september 2009

244th: interesting....

nice to know?
ewww...some facts are just nasty...



243: stalker!

cabiao, you STALKER! ahahah!!! =)

242nd: 27 Dresses and you

I was watching " 27 Dresses" on a friend's iPod at the living room...beside my giant panda and turned all the lights off... my eyes hurt =)...can't compare to a real movie atmosphere... (: then I played Bubble Shooter on the net...as you can see...i was bored... who plays bubble shooter at 12midnight? haha!!! =) I decided to sleep...or....watch the movie on the iPod...( didn't finish it yesterday )...

then my phone rang and i forgot to hit the silent mode before i went to bed...i was really expecting my mom to say " Ano ba yan, gabi na! Silent mo" but she didn't...probably too tired to even complain  =) my phone kept on ringing and I considered on not answering it...but it kept on flashing and I felt guilty not to answer...( i was already thinking of excuses why i didn't pick it up...but i answered it so no need for excuses like : my  mom is sleeping *which was true* or...i was asleep *big fat lie*) so I answered it and talked inside the bathroom...stood there for an hour and talked...did you know that the tiles on the floor are extra cold at midnight? haha =)chika chika
oh and yeah...the flood in pinas...uff...good thing our families are ok...really worried about the two tropical storms heading the country...argh...why the disaster? tsk tsk tsk ! then I spent...i dunno...prob 10-15 min listening to his guitar skills haha! guitar at 12.30 midnight? if i was playing guitar that late...my mom would probably snap =) haha! =) he wouldn't sing so he whistled ..i was like...okeeeey? southpark ftw

i've never been inside the bathroom for an hour...or ok...the same night...i showered for 1 hour...long warm shower...ahh...spa at home =) sometimes you need to relieve the stress (what stress? it's vacation! (: )
but never spent an hour on the phone inside the bathroom...staring at shampoo bottles and the cold tilewall...i even forgot to use slippers...brrrr....speaking of coldness....it's starting to get coooooooolder in oslo...!!!...it's even snowing in Geilo...wow...! winter is just around the block!!! oooh.looking forward to using scarves and thick jackets...and snowball fight!!!!! (it's fun...unless you get hit in your face) or å bli dunket i snøen =) never cool to freeze...( although you'll be ultra cold) =)

i'm reaaaaally bad at planning my vacation..ja ja...ta livet som det faller seg... =)

" lollipop"

mandag 28. september 2009

241: what I missed this weekend...

 blæh...jeg skulle være med til Gøteborg...
men sa nei 2 dager før avreisen...
hadde gøy i Oslo da =)

hva skjedde i Gøteborg?
 what I missed...
spøkelseshuset med ekte mennesker

yeah..that's what I missed...

maybe next time
when everybody has VISA

240: omg...!

80% av Filippinenes hovedstad er under vann og 2 stormer er fortsatt på vei mot landet OMG!
Stakkars folka...håper familien min som bor i Manila har det bra og jeg håper at familiene deres har det også bra...måtte Gud være med dem.

stormen er nå oppgradert til en tyfon og er på vei mot Vietnam...jeg hater stormer...de bringer bare ødeleggelse og smerte...ugh...!


239th: confused...

emotions detached from current experiences...but doesn't make it less intense?
oh really?

" riiiiight"

søndag 27. september 2009

238th: I'm officially missing you ♪♫

hvor mange ganger har jeg blogga i dag a?!
omg... må slutte...!!!

extremely bored.

and I'm officially missing you ♪♫

"Boy, you'll always have my heart.
No matter how far, I'm a dream away.
So best believe and say" - Paper Airplanes by Passion and M. Polinas
♪♫ ♪♫ ♪♫

237th: ERICA!

du er 17 nå =)
sorry for late post... =)
var litt borte i dag...


236th: reminisce...

ok...i'm extremely bored.
( read between the lines ) that's what they always say....do so...

so I started reading my blog....my old posts...omgosh...i can't belive i blog ALL THE FREAKING TIME! i really must have som fritidsproblemer =)

some are fail...some are super fail...some are personal...some are just so random...some are boring...yeah...u get the point...

16 years. 
4 years ago. 
Missed a lot in the past 4 years.
3 months ago.
" you are the music in me"  ♪♫
Everyday since then.
everyday for three months.
3 months can't summarize 4 years.
3 months to 3 days.
3 days.
On the second day.
I can make it.
It's easy peasy.
The previous line is a 50% lie.
after 3 months.
3 days seems like 30 years.
1 more day.

that's what you get when you let your heart win...woah woah woah ♪♫

did u understand this post?

" I miss my dad"

235th: I find myself...different

yes...different...i don't know the real "me"...n0t! of course I do...! i just find myself being more...i dunno... not the one I used to be i hvertfall...anywayyyy..another lie from facebook...
<---- riiiiight! i bet there isn't 1 person in the first place! oh facebook....lættis!


234th: i will survive yeah yeah ♫ ♪♫

i really shouldn't whine...
i survived the last 16 years w/o u,
didn't affect me 4 years ago either...
why should it affect me now?

love lots,
"16 years. 4 years. 3 days"

233: another lie on faceb00k =)

another facebook application that is lying...

boyfriend? don't have one
girlfriend? im not a lez
...better call them? who?!
"awwww they miss you" ? <---- riiiight

"I miss u, not u"

232: liar!

liar! haha! look...i took a test on facebook on how good I am at school. the result? 93%? riiiiiiiiiight! if u only knew...uff!

"i need someone like you"


231st: study mode =)

got a new motivation...that's why I'm studying =)

here's some pix of how I work....really messy...*hint hint*

spanish book, notebook, calculator, Et dukkehjem, Japanese textbook, my phone, ate Via's iPod and my pencil case <3
btw...my pencil case just got a name...Boris "baptized" my pencil case as "Lola" ( bestemor)
I was like...huh?! say what? lola? u do know it means "abuela" in spanish? ( he speaks spanish)
he was like: yeah...it looks like a lola...with a marihøne-fisk kropp haha!

spanish homework...

1/5 of the words I had to memorize...

omg...i had to write a Tolkningsoppgave i norsk 4-8 pages...i only wrote 7 tho...
as you can see...it's really messy...you can not see the screen on the laptop but I was chatting on msn...even though i only had 30min before deadline...which was at exactly 11:59 pm...but I passed it on time =)
yes yes...norsk er ett av de kjedeligste fagene...
uff argh blæh LIZM LIZM <--- eww =)

this is how the window in my bedroom looks like...
I took this picture while doing homework...
can u guess what time this photo was taken?
dawn? before dark? kl 12?
guess... =)

"expecting is one way of hurting yourself" - unknown
" scary eyes" - joanna h. HAHA!

230: woohoo! =)

my 230th post! =)

ok ok...blog time =)

Hvor var jeg i går?
- Var hos Andre og feiret bursdagen hans med:
Andrea, Joanna H, Joanna C, Silje, Mari Grace, Kimberly, Bea, Ranica, Jaira,Yasmin,Nicole, Ian, Carl, Andre, Tantan, Harold, Chris Cabiao,Julian, Dars, Boris, Dence, gian...did I forgot somebody? if so sorry =)

We ate DIGG MAT! woof! the br0wnies was sooooo nice :)
then we played Wii and Guitar Hero <3 some chitchatted, some played some games and everybody was having a good time =) it was freezing outside...!!!and then Andi, Carl, Joanna and I went to the De Jesus residence at around....1am? then we slept at 4 =) what in the world were we doing staying up so late? the answer ?
- whining to the max! from 1am to 4 am =) omg...!
- chatted on msn
- were laughing on some pictures of the hollywood stars and their eating habits..uff!
- and more whining! * I never whined so much before...*

woke up at 7am...*wakey wakey* and went back to sleep...woke up at 10am again...was still lying on te bed whining at Andrea again until 12noon...then the breakfast.

The breakfast...Carl warned me about eating breakfast with his dad...I was like : "what's so bad about eating with your dad?" he said: " oh, du får ikke spise ordentlig"

the result? i was laughing all the time...! His dad is so funny...weird...funny =) oh tito haha! so weird topics...discussions and jokes...!! ahahha! scary dad =) oh the chaos :)

After eating breakfast...we were...off to bed again! =)
whine, whine and whine
listened to music that bears memories...
watched TFC
searched for cake recipies
then Andre came over with some coco powder...soooo Joanna, Andrea and I baked chocolate cake <3
had a peaceful time at the balcony..! so fresh air...the hot sun...it's late September...and I still was comfortable going out with just shorts and a t-shirt =) but at night ( like tonight) it's like...10 degrees? brrr! =)

I just got home...Tito kjørte oss hjem...og jeg må sove tidlig i dag...må stå opp tidlig i morgen =)

" I can't stop missing you, wish I could be with you, I can't stop missing you, no no no" ♪♫
"remembering the things that you saiiiiid  ♪♫"
" 'Coz I'll be your crying shoulder"  ♪♫
To whine or not to whine

lørdag 26. september 2009

229th: woooo =)

I'm currently at the De Jesus residence... watching a movie... tired...I slept at kl 03.30 or something...then I woke up at 7am! then slept again...had breakfast with Andie, Carl, Joanna and Carl's dad...which was really funny...i'll write the details later..about the party and the slumber party..*lukter kylling...nam* brb...i'll blog when I get home =)


fredag 25. september 2009

228th: I'll be...your crying shoulder...♪♫

'Coz I'll be your crying shoulder ♪♫

I've been roaming around, I was looking down at all I see
Painted faces fill the places I can't reach
You know that I could use somebody
You know that I could use somebody ♪♫

My new name is Oprah...'coz Mrs. Phil  doesn't sound right...( Dr. Phil...something)

hahahaha! Just whine all u want...! and I'll just listen...! =)


227th: oh ok

well...rest assured...for now...post 225 and 226 are silly posts haha!

Go Homer Simpson =)


torsdag 24. september 2009

226th: bye starry skies?

Winter is approaching. The coldness. The darkness. The emptiness. Where's the christmas lights that light my way? Summer is dead. The sun's warmth ain't reaching me. Online. I don't care. Summer memories fade away. Not. Mine is glued on my head. Just like how the posters stick to the wall. Superglue. Super unecessary. The fortune cookie was right. It's easier to stop early than wait for it to be longer. I'd like to see a shooting star again and make a wish. Wish for it all to be easier. To be forgotten. To not exist. What did I get myself into? I swam in the deep oceans. Now I'm finding it hard to go back to shore. But. I know I'll be back. Winter is here. Summer is dead. I'm not in the mood to talk. Summer is dead. You'll be my crying shoulder? How? I don't think so. It was so crystal clear. I was blind. Now i can see. Go get him, girl. =)

Pictures can tell a story. Nice and ugly stories. But that picture... that specific picture...opened my eyes...

225th: oh my peeeeeep!

day ruined...decisions made...crappy day...but became better after school...

g00d morning, sunshine! ...NOT! good morning sunshine my a''...s2pd!
my day didn't start well...let's just say the internet reveals a lot than it should...whatever...the
good news it that...i'm done with my norwegian assignment... have a presentation tomorrow...and then VACATION!

kept thinking about what i discovered yesterday...i couldn't even keep up with the easiest math! wth? i used to understand math...today was just not my day...

Decisions made....my answer is changed from Yes to No...skal ikke være med til Gøteborg alikavel...jeg kan heller spare pengene mine...gledet meg skikkelig...something happend...got in the way...now I'd rather stay in Oslo...have a slumber party at Andrea's house and talk about "scary eyes" with joanna haha!!! =) tsk tsk tsk...slem slem slem... =) and yeah another one:

Here's one for you...

I'm so stupid. How could I not see it? I understand you, girl. But it still confuses me...but I won't stand in ur way. Go get him, girl =)

that's it for the decisions...oh wait...

I was supposed to meet up with Dars n Julian, Dence and Bea...to buy a gift for Pao2x...but i ended up eating at Chopsticks with Andre, Andrea, Joanna, Joanna H og Silje... another decision...minor tho =)

read my horoscope :

Pisces Horoscopes

(Feb 19 - Mar 20)

Last Week | This Week | Next Week
For the Week of Sep 21st, 2009 -- Friends and groups could be especially challenging for you this weekend. Leave yourself a way out before getting on board with a crowd of people. You may wind up being responsible for others' questionable behavior, which is not a desirable role to play. Pick your playmates carefully to stay on the pleasurable side of the street.

min tolkning: (jeg hadde en tolkningsoppgave = p )
...is that...neh...i just found it relevant with my situation...getting on board ...bokstavelig talt? im not boarding the bus to Gøteborg...getting on board on a what? new complications?!  oslo? gøteborg?oslo?gøteborg? = Oslo =)...there are just some things that hit me now...w0w...! didn't see it coming...or did I?

såååå ble dagen bedre... =)
var ute og spiste på Chopsticks med Andre, Joanna, Joanna H, Andrea og Silje... tok bilder...weird/skække bilder..hahah! deleeete! de fikk lattekrampe da jeg viste dem bankkortet og A-kortet mitt....bildene var så...let's just say...at de ligner ikke på meg.. =) så dro vi til Zara...så at Andre kunne få gaven sin fra Ati...og til Rema 1000..for å kjøpe Sitting Bull og Cookies for 3.50 kr hver saaaalg =) og og og..! portrett bildet har kommet og...ew...haha! =) klassebildet ble bra...bortsett fra at jeg ikke var klar! hahah! elefant-klassen as <3

jeg har en samfunnsfag fremføring i morgen...i really really don't like standing infront of a class and have a presentation...! omg...can't I just sing instead?  i'll sing and show u my misery...I'm in the business of misery...

Somethin bout the way
Somethin bout the way you look
In my eyes
You make everything so damn easy
So easy that I don't got to worry bout a thing

And baby when we touch
All I can see is the image of us
Sitting by the ocean
Just before the dusk
Sippin on a juice box and
Sand between our toes

This is the part when we say were in love
And the part where we have our first kiss
But this ain't a movie
I know you can't come with me
You got your life
She better be treatin you right


tirsdag 22. september 2009

224th: wth?!

ok this day...was...crappy...

i had to read the book ( i only had over 100 pages left) but yeah... it's so boring and my motivation is not on it's greatest... supposed to have a spanish test...but the teacher had to cancel it...ugh...and there are matters that I don't even wanna talk about. it's just so...no.

it's so obvious! why the heck did I not see that before?!?! omg! that's just lame...! ugh...now my day is ruined...really...! ugh stupidity reigns over me...! crap ! how couldn't i see it before?! it was so crystal clear...so...so alike...so the same...same tricks eh?
same, lame and who's the one to blame?!


wondering if i should quit blogging?

mandag 21. september 2009

223rd: draw draw draw

i know i really should be writing my paper now... but i can't concentrate...so i'll post pix instead...

har han blitt bedre? ja, ser sånn ut :)

oi...ja, han HAR forbedret seg...

oi sånn... skulle være pikachu...yeaaaaaaaa...

here's mine :

oh so fail =)

gotta do my homework =)

222nd: what a day...

today... we had a endurance test... vi måtte løpe frem og tilbake i gymsalen ( for 5min) så mange ganger som vi orker...omg... jeg løp 22 runder... men er fornøyd for det er en 5'er... men vil helst løpe 25 runder.. for da får jeg 6! njeeeh....

 så var det japansk prøve... gikk helt greit... men,.. men... men... da jeg skulle inn i klasserommet... så jeg noen som så ganske kjent ut... VELDIG kjent ut...men jeg tenkte..njæh... det kan ikke være han...
men! MEN!!! haha! da jeg studerte ansiktet hans, visste jeg med en gang! jeg så på han, han så på meg...og jeg sa: BORIS JO! hahaha! he's the last one on the planet that I'd expect to be attending japanese classes! hahha! and he was with the gang I hang out with during Jap. Classes...AHHAHAH!  lol han er rar =)

nå må jeg lese norsk boken... snakkes! :p


søndag 20. september 2009

221: omggggg!!!

vi har cooper-test i morra...og jeg har glemt det heeeeelt! omgoooosh..!!!
jeg har ikke trent...bare spist MASSE kaker!!! omg...!!! GOd help!..eller la det regne =)


220: u got mail...

(edited yes pga dårlig kvalitet)

219th: JJJJJJ- Room!

igår sov jeg kl 02...var så trøtt...men for tett i nesa...argh...

så vi har "dannet" JJJJJJ- R00m på msn...hvor alle som har J som forbokstav i navnet...chaos, i tell you...chaos!
først så var det meg, julian og jonathan...så kom alle joannaene <---HAHA! ..så det ble
Jonathan,Julianne, Julian, Joanna, Joanna og Joanna...!! forvirrende as...du vet ikke hvem du snakker med..!! haha!!! liten snapshot of last night/dawn's messy conversation...or maybe just a picture of those involved ... =)


218th: mjau!

jeg og Andrea drev med å tegne på MSN istedenfor å chatte...weird...fail også...

så tegnet en annen...en katt...scary cat!

sorry at jeg la tegningene på bloggen...men
scary as!


lørdag 19. september 2009

217th: fortune c00kies...

last night...I opened a lot of fortune cookies...just to read the messages...not eat them :)
here are the ones that I find interesting...

Your love life will be happy and harmonious...
5 7 22 34 422, 14

It is easier to resist at the beginning than at the end...
7 17 22 30 47, 20

my numbers are 7 and 22? hmmm...


fredag 18. september 2009

216th: full moon...

i don't remember when this was taken...all I remember was that I was chatting...and saw this beautiful sight...

( the picture really doesn't reflect the reeeeaaaal view...) u just have to see it for yourself... it was like taken from a horror movie... bright full moon with grey skies...

here's when I shut the lights off....it was reaaally briiiight...!!!
here's a pic with normal lighting... ( excuse me for my messy room ) xP!

215th: snapshots, pictures, captured moments...watchamacallit<3

SNAPshots from nicole's debut <3

1st base: what I wore...

I bought this dress...4 hrs before the party...

black pumps from last june...

2nd base: girls + dress = dress up!
here's my escort... <3

purple dress with pink vans...uh...?

3rd base: our debutant !

awww 9cj with her 18 candles...!

hope u enjoyed ur day, nicz


torsdag 17. september 2009

214: once in a blue moon...

ok...so weird... :p

last night, så var jeg på msn (som vanliiig) og jeg skulle logge meg av fordi det var allerede kl 00.25 noe...
sååå sa en person " nei vent,...hva skjer?" så yeah...drøya tiden til kl 01... telling me to tell him who I was missing...i gave him hints...then he guessed someone...OMG! sooooo wroooong! never in a million years would I miss that person...!!!ooooh no...! after all the twist and turns... he failed :D haha! in ya face!...logged off around kl 01.04...but slept around 01.30...coz i couldn't breath! freaking cold! my nose wasn't cooperating!

all of my meals today had...fish!
breakfast: tuna...
lunch: makrell og tunfisk
middag: laks!
hahaha!| omega 3 woohoo! FTW!

uff... har samfunnsfag fremføring i morgen...waaaaah! håper det ikke er nok tid...så vi må fremføre neste uke...!

1 uke til høstferieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <3

"skal du være på msn til 6am igjen?"
hvis du er det så :p"

213th: siopaaaao day...!

no...this has nothing to do with siopao ( the food )
Andre "siopao" Cruz

sioPAOPAO joooo!!!
håper du får en fiiiin dag...
gratulerer så mye med dagen!
Heia Herr. Elvebakken Revy 2010

onsdag 16. september 2009

212th: på'n igjen...

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....i'm bored...
har ikke time fra kl 09.45 til 12.30...hva gjør jeg? spiser sjokokjeks...hører på Heaven-J. Foxx...og drøyer tiden...

SUCCESS skal jeg si deg! haha! :D

questions exist to be answered...but it doesn't mean that I will answer all of your questions...  :)

+ do you?
- yes...

+ really? since when?
- since july...

+ why?
- music connects people...it intertwines them...

+ what's going on?
- oh nothing, the usual...

+ an event that you can say is " almost magical"...
- when I saw my first falling star...

+ really? where?
- italy...

+ who were you with at that time?
- friends...around 12 midnight...

+ have you spotted a falling star again with your friends after that night?
- yeah...with the exact same people I was with in Italy...

+ cool...! what else can you imagine as a "magical" moment?
- what is it with you and magical stuff? don't tell me you're obsessed with magic spells and tricks?

+ no...just asking
- oh ok...i dunno...maybe when I gaze into the eyes of the one I like? it's like their eyes are reflecting the falling star...or the starry sky...or fireworks...i dunno... my imagination tends to be soooo exaggerating... ( this is a ridiculous sentence that really doesn't apply to my situation :p ) * i'm trying to copy and paste a smiley from Microsoft Word...and it's not working...instead of a smiley...i get the letter " J " all the time...freaking copy and paste...*

+ what are you eating?
- choco chip cookies...!!! naaaam <3

+ who were you on the phone with last night?
- my mom? she asked me to defrost the meat...haha!!!

+ who were you chatting on msn last night?
- a friend

+ about?
- about school and projects...

+ what's on your mind right now?
- whether I should start working on my assignments...and where my english book is!

+ what makes you smile...?
- *smile* a lot of things...pictures, music, conversations, family, friends...something like those...

+ ok..last question... are you happy?
- YES!

+ why? ooooh...uyyy
- hey! you said that was the last question!


tirsdag 15. september 2009

211th: ohh...you make me smile...

♫♪ ♫

You make me smile like the sun,fall out of bed sing like bird,dizzy in my head spin like a record,crazy on a Sunday night. You make me dance like a fool. Forget how to breathe. Shine like gold, buzz like a bee. Just the thought of you can drive me wild Ohh, you make me smile ♥

 ♫♪ ♫

...again...and again...and again...


- you make me smile ♥ -

210th: ...

Kiss me through the phone

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪ ♫



209th: ut i skogen...

Fagdag i Naturfag i dag!
Så første klassingene dro til Asker / Dikemark for å utforske naturen...målte pH-verdien på innsjøen, så på insekter...tegnet trær...gikk på myra og spiste...det var ganske...morsomt og...lærerik...en sklei på steinen med moser og blei helt våt! og det var ca 10 grader! uff...!!! Vi har gått rundt skauen i nesten 6 timer...slitsomt...
hjemturen...jeg fikk lattekrampe! en som satt bak oss lukket øynene sine og mimet til en sang...han så helt...uhm...yeah...

ugh...jeg har prøve i japansk i morgen, matte prøve og engelsk innlevering på torsdag...samfunnsfag fremføring på fredag...8 siders innlevering neste onsdag...jeg orker ikke å lese boken...den er så... rett og slett weird.

wow wow wow...impressed...ok...I'll use u as my inspiration :p kudos to you, batman!

 - 1 ubesvart anrop 
- ringte du?
- lurte på om du ville være med på biblioteket, men tenkte at det var litt slemt å dra deg med bare for å ha noen å være med

- fagdag beskjed
-hør på meg alle sammen! alle må være presise på tirsdag fordi bussen drar
akkurat kl 8.15
(kl er 8.30)
-riiiight...presis!? bussen er ikke her ennå!
- torsdag
-"WHAAAAT!?... er det allerede tirsdag i dag?!"
- "Ja."
- "da har vi prøve og innlevering om to dager!"
-"Ja, visste du ikke det?"
- "Omg, nå må jeg gå hjem og pugge!"

- Varm Kakao
-Mama, kan du lage varm kakao til meg?
- orker ikke, kan du lage varm kakao til meg?
- Huh?! jeg spurte deg først
- Ja, men jeg er sliten.
- Det er jeg og da.
- Å lage varm kakao er så enkelt! bare kok vannet
-Vann?! nei!...melk!
- jeg orker ikke
- iiih...hvis du sier at det er så enkelt...kan du jo lage den da
- jeg sover (later som hun sover)
- urgh...greit...men du får ikke varm kakao!
- greit...jeg vil ikke ha varm kakao uansett :D

mandag 14. september 2009

208th: FLU?!



JulzFlu? igjen? nei da...
jeg var bare ute mens det var veldig veldig kaldt (Nicole's Debut) det var varmt inne...så jeg gikk ut...10 grader ute haha! norge om natten as!:P

en venn sa : "hans navn" + flu...og sa...du blir bedre når du er med meg..og dårlig når jeg er borte...OMG! kapaaal:p nei da... haha!! han tuller :p

ikke swineflu ihvertfall..jeg fryser ikke lenger...er faktisk driiiit varmt fordi jeg har på meg ullgenser...ugh..haha:p ...har lyst på "fritert banan med iskrem" NAAAAAM! <3


207th: what?

ooooh...det er mandag i dag...og vi har friiii! :D valgdag i norge..! woot woot...lurer på hvilket parti vinner...oh la la...
uff. jeg ble vekket av mamma for å prøve pilates...omg...! så trøtt nå! haha...!!! :D
Nå ligger jeg bare i sofaen med pcen foran meg...og ser på simpsons...chatter...og fryser... :p <--- even though i have my blanket...something's missing...! (i'd like to believe that I'm freezing coz i miss someone than catching a fever...) no fever allowed! =)
"He sure is ugly, but I can't take my eyes off of him" - Lisa Simpson-

" i can't take my eyes off of you"

søndag 13. september 2009

206th: denial. period. crap!

everybody is saying the same thing.
I hate it as much as I enjoy it.
I don't like denying.
This doesn't mean that what you guys are thinking, is true.
But I find accepting things easier these days.
Weird, huh?
Like it, Love it, Hate it, Whatever...



205th: I admit it, I was scared to answer love's call...

jeg var på en dåpsfest i dag...jeg kjenner ikke barnet en gang :P HAHA! jeg ble bedt om å kjøpe gave da...så jeg kjøpte rosa barneklær...only to find out at han er en gutt! HAHA!!!! uffa meg...!!

Jeg kjedet meg hardt på festen asså... det var ikke noe gøy, bortsett fra maten :p...eller kanskje bare fordi det var en barnefest...heldigvis hadde jeg med meg en penn...jeg tegnet på bordet... :P HAHA!!! (slapp av, bordet hadde papirduk eller hva de kaller det) så gikk jeg gjennom innboksen min....1700 meldinger...omg...! HAHA!!! <3 sms <3
etter en stund, forandret jeg innstillingen til mobilen min ( Welcome Note )
" Falling stars make me fall " - i dunno where it comes from...i think it sounds so familiar...?

watching Freaky Friday :P


204th: 12.sept 09

Nicole's Debut Party...! yey! hun var så nydelig i går...!!!

I går tidlig var jeg i byen for å kjøpe gave til henne... og kjøpe meg kjole...fordi jeg hadde ikke noe annet :p
Jeg har brukt alle kjolene mine...! uff da...så fant en venninne av meg en skikkelig fin kjole! naaaam <3
Lokalet var veldig fin pyntet og jeg storkoste meg!!! de fleste vennene mine var der og det var veldig koselig. Men jeg var veldig nervøs hele kvelden fordi vi skulle synge og holde tale ( the candles for the speech were really nice) sååååååååååååå!!!!!....

skulle bea, jeg, julian og tantan ut for å hilse The Vibe folka... men så begynte de å snakke om dans...noe jeg ikke har peiling på...kleiiiiint! så jeg og en annen sto ved sandkassa...og plutselig...så vi ...et STJERNESKUDD...igjen!!! det var mitt sjette eller syvende stjerneskudd...men en jeg kjenner har bare sett to, det ene var i italia...og igår kveld...begge skuddene så jeg med den personen...jeg lurer på om jeg kan få se et stjerneskudd i slow motion...vet ikke...jeg blir så fascinert av stjerner og universet... fy flate så fint det var! gikk så fort...som vanlig...men herlighet...! :D  men det var skikkelig kaldt igår natt...men inne (hvor det var disco...) muy caliente!!!

Jeg kom hjem ca. kl 00.20...og månen...halvmånen...var stooooor! jeg skulle ta bilde av den, men jeg kunne ikke finne kameraet mitt og det var fulle folk der...så jeg gadd ikke ... :D da jeg kom hjem...sov mamma allerede...etter ett kvarter...sov jeg også...var dødsliten! og føttene mine gjorde heftig vondt!...høye hæler as! uff...

jeg er veeeeeldig trøtt akkurat nå...jeg tror jeg skal sove...men jeg skal på en fest igjen etterpå...en mamma kjenner har fått barnet sitt døpt :D


" slowly stars go out each night, dark meets light kiss the sun goodnight..."

torsdag 10. september 2009

203rd: what a day...!

heeeeey ya!
what a day!...I really thought of not blogging for a while...but i can't resist...there's so much to say/ write...

I LOST MY BOOK! my english book...it's not in my locker....not at home...where is it?!

me and my friends were gonna eat lunch...guess where?...at the freaking cemetery...it was surprisingly peaceful and nice...we had a great laugh there! i know..i know...respect them...but I just had to laugh so loud...HAHA!
we had lunch there...ate cold lasagna...and drank cold coco :D njæhæhæ!

We were watching "Into The Wild" during english class...i was soooo tired....I slept! hhaha!!

Btw, I woke up at 6.30 again...back in the game...! although I woke up 2 hrs before my class starts and curled my hair...i was almost late...! haha!...i ate chocolate pudding on the way to school...with our stainless steel teaspoon...and I had to throw it in the garbage can... haha!! uff da...!!!

I was at Ranica's place today...to hear Andre, Ranica and Nicole practice for the Elvebakken Revy Audition...flink flink flink <3 then we were inside the auditorium...sååå varmt! med de var flinke...!


"'Cuz I want it all 
Or nothing at all 
There's nowhere left to fall 
When you reach the bottom it's now or never 
Is it all 
Or are we just friends 
Is this how it ends 
With a simple telephone call You leave me 
here with nothing at all" - Westlife-

onsdag 9. september 2009

202nd: 09.09.09

today was 09.09.09...and Nicole's 18th birthday...!!! yey!!! finally a big girl eh? weehee...now no one can stop you from drinking...or driving...but I will stop you from drinking WHILE driving... :D anyway...

jeg gleder meg til debuten din!...må skrive tale først :D
see yaaaa!!!

tirsdag 8. september 2009

201st: it works!

it works...!!!! <3 YES!

ok...time for school-mode...

"I like you, I'm falling for you" - C. Caillat

mandag 7. september 2009

200th: YEY!

it's my 200th post! weehee...!!!

today was fine...wait...great <3 !!!

we started the day with gym! we sucked at frisbee :P HAHA!!! really fun <3
then we had out picture taken...!! the theme was 50's fashion :p really weird...yet really fun...
then off to japanese class...where we had our first hiragana test...easy peasy..(i already learned it 2 years ago ) so yeah...*** then band practice...!!! as always...LOUUUUD! :-)
who was there?
-joanna, K. Ian, Dars, Carl, Julian, K.Lance and moi...really funny...the guys are always fighting about who owns the best guitar blablabla xP! our drummer is reaaallly good :D! yey! we practiced for the General Assembly...can't wait...!!!!! they used 30min for this one *HARD!* song...! Run...uff da...we forgot the time and had to climb over the fence of Majorstuen Skole to get out(they close the gates at 10pm)...ouch! ouch ouch! ahaha! and I was wearing a skirt...cold!

what's for dinner?
-McDo Cheeseburger with them : p too bad Joanna and k: Lance had to leave early...

MY WINDOWS LIVE MESSENGER IS NOT WORKING! complicated...too long...for short...I'll just tell u that I uninstalled it...restarted the comp, still waiting for it to finish...crap! i have to read 100pages on my norsk book and memorize 60 spanish words for the test tomorrow...oh snap!


"hugs and hugs" <3

199th: inspire me...

you're my inspiration...

You're the meaning in my life
You're the inspiration
You bring feeling to my life
You're the inspiration
Wanna have you near me
I wanna have you hear me sayin'
No one needs you more than I need you

...nothing... it's kl 00:48 and i still need to read my book in norwegian...ugh... 150 pages baby!
and school picture is tomorrow...eyebags go away...!!!

You're the inspiration

søndag 6. september 2009

198th: TURIN 09!!! <3

love love love, miss miss miss TORINO, ITALY!!!!! <3 woohoo!!!

creds to rolf

------>  Turin 09

lørdag 5. september 2009

197th: full moon... <3


it's so:
and again...beautifullll!!!!

196th: oi sånn...!

shopping weee!!!

var i bogstadveien i dag med venner...<3 shooooopppping!....men fant ikke noe...men jeg fikk se folk som jeg ikke har sett på lenge! (1 uke? :P)...

vi dro til oslo city...og kjøpte klær der istedet :p og de var ikke på salg... (a) oi oi oi...
hehe...<3 * but i had to find clothes for the school picture...ugh...50's theme*

chopsticks with my friend!....then ice cream...then milk...fashion show...home...!



fredag 4. september 2009

195th: empty...?

hva skjer'a?
anyway... the weather is still crappy... empty brain...empty heart...empty voice...but not empty stomach...! <3


194th: u make me smile... :D

You make me smile like the sun
Fall out of bed sing like a bird
Dizzy in my head, spin like a record
Crazy on a Sunday night
You make me dance like a fool
Forget how to breathe
Shine like gold buzz like a bee
Just the thought of you can drive me wild
Ohh you make me smile...

"Smile" - Uncle Kracker


torsdag 3. september 2009

193rd: UFF DA!

er super super duper duper tett i nesa!!! omg! og hostesaften er ikke noe digg... xP...uuuh...rain outside my window pouring down... noooo... heller sol enn regn...og heller snø enn regn! Hver eneste gang det regner ute... så føler jeg meg...trist, lat ( even lazier than i already am :P ) og søvnig... :( uff da...så kaldt det er her...!!! har på meg ulljakke:p <--- hjelper litt xP

192nd: hos legen

jeg var hos legen istad...ugh...jeg måtte ta blodprøve... CBC er jo greit ( fingeren xP) men i armen? haha aldri prøvd før...jeg visste egentlig at jeg måtte gjøre det idag... var ikke vondt... følte en liten stikk..og ferdig... amazing how the blood is drained quickly :D oh well this is what my doc said:

" Ja, jeg har jo ikke noe spennende å si enn at du har en vanlig influensa."
"oi, det er bra. Jeg trodde at jeg hadde svineinfluensa"
"nei nei, du har ikke det. Men skulle ønske at du hadde fått den fordi da er du ferdig med det. Jeg skulle at jeg får det nå"

uff da :D haha!! thank God i don't have swineflu :D

191st: feeling better?

from 38.6 to 36.8 ...just changed the placing of the digits...but way better :D i hope i won't have fever anymore...doesn't feel good.. :( i don't want to be sick anymore...i have a lot to do this week...write my report, take our school picture on monday...japanese test on monday as well...and oh yeah... markedsdag on saturday :D yeeeey...!!! oh well...off to the doctor...(just to be on the safe side)

I was talking on the phone last night around 11.30 to 12.20 something...then I got this message from a friend of mine...SHE'S BACK!!! <3 hahaha!! :D haven't seen her for two months... :D

onsdag 2. september 2009

190th: freaking FEVER!!!!

NOOOO!!!! i have a fever! nooo!!! 38.6 grader er ikke morsomt...
i wonder if "lovesick" is easier and more comfortable than this?!

* sick and in bed*

189th: YUUUCK!

eddik...varmt vann...salt...the perfect substitute for all the vodkas in the world!
noooot! just joking...* i don't drink, btw* xP...!

ugh...this mixture of weird liquids is supposed to help my sore throat...it did feel like it helped...but I'm still coughing...the same way as before...ugh...!!! uff...

sååååå forslag til høstferie: London? hmmmm...

188th: ouch...

my head hurts...and so does my throat..freaking cold! not to mention...i'm freezing..!!!! even though it's kinda hot in here and I'm wearing a sweatshirt...brrrrr!!!

i don't want this freaking cough anymore...!!!!!!!!!


tirsdag 1. september 2009

187th: nxt week...

I'm getting married!!!! WHATTTT!!!!

wooooaaaaaaah!!! early! med hvem!?


186th: when we say...

still loving "When We Say - Aj Rafael"...<3 <3 <3 it...

message :

expecting is one way of hurting yourself...

a little extract from the lyrics:

this is the part when we say were in love
and the part where we say it's forever
but this ain't a fantasy
i know you can't come with me
you got your life
she'd better be treatin you right

this hurts so much to know that you're
with someone else when you should be with me
its just hard to accept that i cant be around
she better be treatin' you good
i'm no einstein but i know a sign
when i see one
and i know you love me too
...( kapaaaal)

aww...how sad... but Aj's voice is angelic :D and so is the melody...


185th: imaginations can be dangerous...

we had a "fagdag" today... MATH!
we watched a movie called "A Beautiful Mind" about a mathematician named John Nash. He had Schizophrenia - a mental disorder ... poor guy...he was veeerrryyy smart...and became a professor in Princeton...but he can see imaginary people...and went nuts...he almost killed his child 'cause he thought that his imaginary friend was watching the baby...noooot! uff...

i don't want Schizophrenia...no thanks...i tend to day dream everyday...omg...but not to the extent where I can't separate reality with my imaginary world... (makes me sound like crazy :D)
my imaginary world seems much more comfortable and safe... can protect me from any idiotic feeling and not harm me...coward as i may sound...ok...wait...i AM a coward :P haha!! too scared of getting hurt...so i retreat to my own world...

*listening to When We Say (Juicebox) - Aj Rafael*


184th: unexpectedly expected... :Þ

:Þ hei! :Þ

some things in this world... are unexpectedly expected...don't u agree?
