lørdag 30. oktober 2010

How long does it take to get over someone who was your world? 17 years?

Today is my dad's 17th death anniversary.
so I went to the church to light three candles...
was suppossed to go with my mom but I slept over someone's house and she had to work.
Seventeen years have passed and I can't imagine losing a loved one...forever. Not to see, touch, feel nor speak to that person. I don't ever want to feel that. Like I wrote, I can't imagine how great the pain my mom must have felt. No...just no.
I never really got a memory of him since I was only 7months old when he passed away. 
Stupid drunk bus driver. Oh well. I know he's in a better place.

i wonder how long it took my mom to get over him? that would be...never o'clock


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