lørdag 13. november 2010

Destiny. Freaky.

it's kinda weird when you think of one person...and the next second...that person is standing right infront of you. freaky.

one time, I stayed late at school writing my report. on my way home I thought:
"I wonder if I'll meet that person"
...then somebody waved. Wow...it was that person, plus another one. But still.

On Thursday I spent 4 hours at the library because of my math test. There was this person who I used to hang out with at the library. Were so loud, we got shhh-ed at xD. Anyways...
I thought: "Hmmm...who's good at math? Right! He was suppossed to help me with my math this year! I wonder if I'll meet him randomly and he'd help me (prøven gikk rett i dass...blir sikkert stryk)
While I waited for the train, I read a book. (The Last Song!)
It's so nice! But anyways...while reading, I saw a pair of feet that stopped infront of me. I was thinking: "Maybe it's him and he'd help me!"
Well guess what...it was! Then I asked him where he was...he answered: Library. 
Freaky. Woot Woot.

If I thought of a thousand dollars...would it appear?! Please :)


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