torsdag 4. november 2010

Sometimes you gotta listen to your brain just to save your heart.

(how can't you love a cutie like this guy? <3)

" Sometimes you gotta listen to your brain just to save your heart. "

It doesn't mean you're chickening out, either. It's just knowing the right choice to save your heart before it gets entirely broken. Who said life is easy? I certainly didn't get a heads up for that one. 
I would say that listening to your brain just to save your heart is like...taking precautions. 'Coz the hard decisions you make now will be rewarded later. For instance, breaking up with the jerk who does nothing but disrespects you. If you love that guy, it will be hard. But hey, it's for the better. Because someday in the future, there will be a better suited guy that will heal that broken part that the jerk caused. 

Smart has the brains but stupid has the balls. 

Sometimes it's nice to be both :)

"Sometimes you have to lie for the truth to be heard." - J.

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