lørdag 12. juni 2010

darling, we were meant to be...

gratulerer med dagen, pinas!
men jeg orket ikke å dra til parken for å feire...så...jeg brukte tiden heller på å se ferdig Kimi no Todoke.
and omg...when i watched it...i LOL-ed! because the story is sooo similar...it was almost scary how exact it was to mine.

here it goes.
Winter. They met up with each other. He brought her a present...she did not have one for him.
He gave her a cellphone strap, because she got a new phone!
and he tried to tie the strap...after 59864 minutes, he managed to do so.
the phone doesn't look like mine...but the story is perfectly similar...
i got the phone strap as a Christmas present, too...! As well as my phone (but my phone is now...not so brand new-looking xD!)

the panda strap had a bell inside it, so it was always noisy. A lot of people complained about it, even my mom got mad. After I figured out I didn't want to be bothered anymore...I threw it while I was with Harold and Andre...looking for a present for....secreeeet xD
But anyway, I threw it at Oslo City's trash can xD! lol.

Andre: omg, pa drama drama ka pa, bare kast den! xD
i miss it though, it was cute =)

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