tirsdag 11. august 2009

112: bike bike bike!

once again...we roamed the world..! nope...just kidding...i mean the city...with the city bikes...again! hehe...chris chris chris...omg...long story...!!She got the bike nr. 3...she already adjusted the seat...but didn't take the bike from the "thing" haha...so it got locked again! she didn't want the other bikes since she would have to adjust again...so what she did was...

she unlocked all the bikes and locked them again until she got to nr. 3 again! haha too lazy to just adjust the next bike..ahha!!:P anyway...it was fun...

THEN! we headed for the mall! and bought stuff...and ate frozen yoghurt with fruits..nam!!mine has strawberry, mango and honeymelons :P
chris had the one with bringebær, ananas og honningmelonkuler:P

after 10 min...

she's full! now complaining about fats haha!!:P awww...those treats were so good:P

<3 u too chris haha don't blame me for the pix:P


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