onsdag 19. august 2009

134th: ...WHAT?!

omg...third day of school... WE ALREADY HAVE PROJECTS AND ORAL PRESENTATIONS?! we haven't even gotten our book yet! awww...that's what I get for applying to this school...oh well :D

I had three hours of total freedom...well... 'coz all of the students who didn't take Latin don't have any classes :P what did I do? first I bought salad from ICA, then went to Elvebakken to visit Andre and the others. Hahaha!! elvebakken ain't that far from Katta...bought food...met Julian...went for a tour near the school with Andre and he gave me a tour around the school...AKA LABYRINTH SCHOOL! anyone could get lost in that school! haha!!! then we met MG and Kimberly...but Andre had classes...and I still had 30min of my free period...i was bored...but I didn't catch the bus from the city...and the next bus was LATE! so I WAS RUNNING LATE...literally!! haha!!:P was so scared to be late...but then I saw my teacher just a few meters away from me...what did I do? OVERTAKED him! haha!!:P mission accomplished :D


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