lørdag 29. august 2009

171st: 00.59 am....

hey...it's 00.59 am...and I got home...30min ago :D

I was outside with my friends...we watched "The Proposal" with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Renolds
...ok I admit...ryan renolds is quite handsome and charming...but sometimes...his closeups can be a little weird:P HAHA!!!

first we searched the mall looking for a gift, somebody's having her debut tomorrow...
then McDonalds' time! :D uuuuggh...! had to wait for a long time for my food...she gave the others their food first! uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh! the one preparing the food didn't even use gloveS! when I was working at the amusement park...we had to use gloves all the time...!!!

then...it was raining hard...grey skies and cold breeze...brrr...!!!

the proposaaaaal is soooooo funny..!!i recommend it <3!!! :D and watch it with a LOT of friends...and sit on the front and second row!!! haha... :Dwe were about 20 people...so fun :D!!!
then there's this woman who was laughing sooo loud!!! ufff....!!! HAHA!!!

when i got home...i ate! and talked on the phone at the same time...i'm tired but to full to sleep...i ate about 15min ago :D

well...i'm reaaally sleepy...it's 1:07 am now...



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