fredag 14. august 2009

115th: G.A

hei alle sammen! <-- hvem er "alle sammen"? i don't even think there are alot of people reading this... anyway...

how's my day?
- Grool! *Great and Cool*

wahaah! Chris was at my house today...3 hrs late...!! haha...! anyway...we ate:
toblerone, choco muffins and saft is...haha! then she read The Ring - manga version...LOL! confusing book...then off to G.A...! It was fun having the visitors from YFL's land of origin...sharing stories about their experiences...i guess you could say that they shared their experiences :D aww..gonna miss those jokes hahah!! :P

then eating time! naaaam<3

-ChupaChupz from Germany - thanks Julian-

2 tshirts - thanks Don!

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