fredag 7. august 2009

89th: sunshine after the rain... <3


really hot today..thank God for the nice weather..!!
I miss them already <3

aaaaaanyway!!!!my horoscope for today is really emo...haha..ok maybe not...

Friday, Aug 7th, 2009 --
Beautiful Venus is quite active today in your 5th House of Love and Romance, possibly increasing your desire to spend quality time with someone you love. But there's no need to add complex layers of attachment to a new or existing relationship, for the real gift of this transit is to bless you with the ability to live joyfully in the here and now.

haha..!! i don't really believe in them..but it's fun to see how exact and so wrong they can be... haha!!!

today was...a really fun day!<3 style="font-style: italic;">the first round.. :( hahah!!:P we got kicked at the second round..ntjåw..and the consequence buy ice cream for the winning I ended up buying a friend of mine some frozen yoghurt...strawberry flavor... but I won over someone and I'm really relieved 'coz he was so sure that he was going to kæze meg lett! haha!!! but he accepted his defeat and it's really manly of him to do so, not a lot of guys do that..they tend to deny their lost..haha but he didn't so I give him creds for that..but it's not fun..hehe... it's a lot better bullying him haha...well well...still fun though.. :P

OSLO BYSYKKEL Tur...til..aker brygge!
so I rode with a friend of mine who was biking reaaaaaaaaal fast! and it was a downhill ride so I was even more nervous..!! my butt hurts..haha!... still I'm thankful that he didn't crash into some trash can or something...or else...haha..just joking xP...

* Realize - Colbie C.* <--- har sangen på hjernen siden NOEN mobba meg og begynte å synge den sangen! u'll have ur day.. ahha!! we decided to go grilling!...yey!...we went to a friend's house and drank some ice coffee...naaam<3...then style="font-style: italic;">childish side pop out.. :D
some were playing there...used the daycare's swing...and somebody had a little bit extra gas..haha!!...we grilled hotdogs and hamburgers...naaaam...then we played hide and seek...I hid under this "house" or whatever you call was gross! and I was out first...booo..!! then it was my turn to count...i found Bea first...who was hiding behind a transparent glass...I saw her right away..haha...somebody hid by the dumpster..some behind the tree...behind a bush... behind a door...then the last one..where is he!? i was eating hotdog already while searching for him...haha...just when I was near the dumpster...somebody popped out of nowhere! haha!! it was Julian who climbed the tree and stayed there for a few minutes haha!!:P he just popped out of the blue! haha i thought it was a monkey...haha..!! but I ran faster than him..haha i think he had some difficulties jumping..if he hadn't..maybe he could have beaten me...and I think some insects were hiding with him at the treetop :P...aww...then he started scratching himself...i think his skin was irritated by the leaves or bugs haha!!... aww we had to leave early 'coz my mom was waiting before she'd go on a vacation ...haha! I have the house for myself again haha!!:P...aaaaaanyway... the bus just left me! aww maaan!...a healthier alternative of coming home than a bus...OSLOBYSYKKEL! haha!! was soooo tiring...using the city bike at 10:30 pm is get to see the city with the night lights and people having fun...and people having TOO much fun..haha! was fine until I had to pass by the graveyard haha!!:P yea yea..I live near it...wasn't thaaaaaat scary...but so tiring! uphill legs were about to give up haha..!! well..i guess I had to burn some calories..haha!!!

I miss them already <3

to certain people out know who you are...stop teasing me! hahaha!!!
god tur til de som skal reise og god helg til de som ikke me..awwwwww...

*cough cough* åååh...driiiit i det da!

*cough cough* you know who you are too...don't forget my Chupa Chups<3 thaaanks in advance...!

*cough some more* When will u guys be back? miss u already..haven't seen u in like...forever!

*cooough* du er slem! haha! the whole weekend to be bored...

see ya...

are your eyes tired after reading this looooooong blog? haha soooorry:P


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