torsdag 20. august 2009

138: what a coincidinky :P

awww...what a coincidinky...<---just wanted to type that, sorry :P summer's over...and i don't feel like blogging 'cause there aren't a lot of things going on...wake up, shower, school, eat, chat, sleep...then repeat the same the day after...awww... awwwww...missing you...come back... :'( (from NOK 112 to NOK 15) omg! haha!!!

anyway...I woke up like...6.50 be sure that I'm not gonna be the one who is late...since I'm the alarm clock, so I did my job, woke up, called and woke the sleepy head up...then I went to sleep...again...IT WAS SO COLD! awww!! that's why I crept back to my bed and went under my blanket...ahhh...niiiiice...then I fell asleep.. :P busted...but wasn't late for school though :p

what I ate today...

2 salads...with pasta, chicken, egg,salad, pineapple, sweet corn...I can't remember what the salad was consisted of...anyway...a pack of Lion Pop Choco.. :D

watched Southpark and chatted <--- once again...

ey! I haven't used the word "LOL" for a week now..i think.. yey :P


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