lørdag 31. oktober 2009

297th: late bday pic =)

weeyo! found it on k. jas' site...a pic he took at the resto =)
it was really fun...even though I had Geo test the day after...
and I hope Harold had a very nice day =)  very good food btw...but the waitress kinda scared me =)


296th: trick or treat ?

trick or treat? emo or sweet? should I rebel or should I stay asleep?
today i went to school with...black tights, black dress, black lips and black everything! halloween day at school =) a lot of weird costumes, i must say...one was a pimple...painted his face red...ate mayonnaise...and when someone asked him " what are you?" he spit the mayonnaise and said...I'm a pimple! =) ewwww =S

oh well...today was my dad's 16th death anniversary... =( went to church with my mom...with my costume on! =) hhaha!! =) black lips oh yeah yummy..nææææt!

on the way to Furuset...i took the train...and I kept hiding my lips from the kids...ahaha! =) then andrea's parents drove us to the party... =) oh so nice =) but got home around...now? kl 23.45? njåwts good food! =) and costumes! hella nice ... =)

i'm so tired...
sleep? no no no=) not yet... :)

<3 or <'3

torsdag 29. oktober 2009

294: so many people ♫ ♪♫

i remember listening to this song for the first time...and yeah... 懐かしい...nostalgia...

Can you hear it when
When I call out your name
Would you listen or
Would you turn your head away
Cause there’s something in the water
That’s keeping this alive
There’s something in the water
Saying don’t let it die

Cause there are so many people
Wandering all alone
There are so many people
Searching for what we’ve found
♫ ♪♫♫ ♪♫♫ ♪♫♫ ♪♫♫ ♪♫♫ ♪♫
And if we ever let this go
It’s something we’re sure to miss
And I just thought I’d let you know
It doesn’t get better than this

There are so many people
Wandering all alone
There are so many people
Searching for what we’ve found
 ♫ ♪♫♫ ♪♫♫ ♪♫♫ ♪♫♫ ♪♫♫ ♪♫
♫ ♪♫♫ ♪♫♫ ♪♫♫ ♪♫♫ ♪♫♫ ♪♫
♫ ♪♫♫ ♪♫♫ ♪♫♫ ♪♫♫ ♪♫♫ ♪♫



i wish i wish upon a star...




293: norsk ewww

ewww... i used my 3 hr free to do my norwegian paper...ewww...and I ate a lot...ewww too =)
i had a long day today...

i started at 8.15...was done at 15.50...then japanese classes at 16.30 to 18.00...and practice from 19-21 zzz...
i had to finish my paper...which was due kl. 23.59... i was panicking...and I relieved stress by eatin goreo and popcorn...EWWW! fats...! -_-''

anyway... moi, dence and dars went to ate yas' house... it was cold outside...brrr... and we ate sinigang =) super nice =)

after jap. class...D called and asked if we could go there together...it was coooold! brrr...! and i think he's catching a cold...hmm?...the road was very dark....scary...then we saw a dog...he got scared....then we heard barks...he got scared again...then another dog! ahahaha! u know what happened next...he got scared again =) LOL! anyway...it was really freezing...so we walked/jumped the whole way from Kiwi to their house...silly us...! u should have seen it.. XP! haha...it was fun...then ate yas showed her halloween costume collection...haha!! scary mask! :D on our way home...we had to go through "the forest" ...næh--just in the woods...and the stairs were iced...and oh so slippery =)...so i clinged to tantan the way down...only to see...our bus pass by...NOOOOO! we had to wait for the next one...while this other guy kept...yeah...mhm...farting :D haha!! =) omg...! oh yeah...when i got home....norsk till midnight...zzzz...
but tomorrow is OD dag... no classes...but i need a job...and

...my dad's 16th death anniversary...i miss him...even though i never got to know him...he's always gonna be a part of me...but a hole in my heart as well... RIP dad... =(

live your life =)

tirsdag 27. oktober 2009

291st: yuuuu

h I like her... yes I was a really ice skating freak before...but now my interest has decreased...oh well...winter is coming...so I'll strap on my skates soon =) næt

watch watch watch...flawless =)

290: happy biiiirthday =)

i know...i'm one day late...but hey...

håper du hadde en fin dag =)

was H's bday...
B and TT (HAHA! ti ti daw)...
had arranged this surprise birthday party/dinner at a restaurant...
they said that he was coming at kl 19...but you know..filipino time =)...so yeah
he arrived with TT (HAHA!)...he was blindfolded...from Nationalteatret all the way to
the restaurant =)
( i wonder how many people were staring at them...two guys on the subway... with blindfold on the other dude...kidnap? haha! )

when he arrived...he still had the blindfold on...then...he hit his head on the vase? ouch! haha! =)
i think somebody has it on video =)
it was funny...
then we sang happy birthday...and everyone was there...! awww...!
then foooooood time...
i was only gonna order Banh Coun ( or something ) but then Dars said that the Sprøstekt And was the best...well...Me and Silje ordered it...then our plan was to share with the others...næt =) I shared with Andre though :P
i was really full...but wait....FREE DESSERT! =) naaaam <3

ewww...i think I ate too much...blob blob blob!

when I got home...i still had to study for my geo test...blæh...ended up sleeping at 2am... <3 no eyebags tho?!
la la la...

jeg klarte å klemme fingeren min under stolen...og SATT på stolen! ouch..!!! craaaaap...!
Andre og Andrea bare...AUUU :P yes... it hurt like crap...!
(not that crap hurts ..ew)

289: everything's gonna be... alright...

and...I will walk on water...
and... You will catch me if I fall...
and... I will get lost into Your eyes...
and...everything will be alright...

copyright? av ate Eli...

to moi uncle...

yeah...I have this uncle...who is not that old at all...but his wife...seems to be having an affair with another man...outside the country...and his in-laws won't let him see his kids...and he's alone...living in our old house...without anybody...he used drugs, yes, i think? well...i have my reasons for thinking so... he's so controlled of his temper...he is...really...yeah...whatever... everytime he asks for help...meaning...money...for "education" and " food", my mom would help him, that's what brothers and sisters do, right? but...he only used it on wrong stuff...ya know...so my mom stopped helping him, I really felt sorry for him at first...but he should learn that he can't just depend on other's income to live...

but...everything changed...

he called...then my mom was crying...i was like...what the...?
then I asked if I could speak with him...so she handed me the phone...
he was trying really hard to conceal his problems...i didn't know what it was...
then he asked me: How's life?...my reply?

"Don't ask me, how's YOUR life? Don't try to hide, I know that something is wrong...I can hear it in your voice, I know when someone is pretending not to cry, believe me...I've been there."

guess what? he cried...i was like...hmmm...my macho-oh-so-barumbado-i-am-so-strong uncle is...breaking down? whaaaat?

it's this family thing again...he really misses his family, he's got no job, no money, his bro won't help him...everybody is so sceptic about him...yes...who wouldn't be? then I saw a new side of him... ja ja... loooooooooong story...so  my mom agreed to help him...again...

then one day... I just called him out of the blue...he was sick...awww...stakkars...i really felt sad...
i really shouldn't take what I have for granted 'coz I never know when I'll lose my possessions...but...

i think he has a job now? i dunno? i have no idea...i'd like to hear from him...

maybe i'll ask..."kamusta na?"

but yeah... everything will be alright...


søndag 25. oktober 2009

288th: hohoho =)

oh oh oh! it's not gone =) la la la... still there...yey! =) <3 u

anywayyyyy =)
weeee...! i feel so...refreshed? i dunno =) awww...i went past the graveyard today on my way home...it's so...nice! =)  ( i know...weird huh?) but...it's so orange/yellowish 'coz of all the leaves on the ground and on the trees....it's yellow! =) niiiice ....( the photosynthesis is weak due to lack of sun ..nerdness ) lalalalaaand =)

i really have a huuuuge craving for sushi/maki now! omg!!!

winter is almost here =) CHRISTMASSSS!!! <3
snow + lights + christmas trees + food + julestemning + GIFTS = joy! =)

287: fun =)

njåååw...one week has passed after the PDA camp...
miss them...

so I read all my you got mails since 2007...i dunno where the other envelopes are...gotta find them...
and some id's too! =)

on the way to meet the Swedish and the Finnish (LOL) people...
we stopped at 7/11 to get some free ice coffee =)

and from Ella Ella Ella ey ey ey...an icelandic lollipop =)
haven't tasted it though...


286th: ew

'coz we lost it all..nothing last forever I'm sorry I can't be perfect....( Perfect - Simple Plan)

oh well...did u remember to reset your watch? 1 hour backwards...yeeeey! more sleep! =)
although...I still have some test materials to study... ewww...oh well oh well...

i can't stop missing you...
it's gone, right? isn't this what I wanted? why do i feel so empty? i should be happy...things are easier...but...?

lørdag 24. oktober 2009

285th: lørdagskveld 2

hmmm...listening to The Little Things - c. caillat...heftig =)
i'm planing on reading a book...hmmm...which one? la la la...
im so...tired...but so awake? jeg gleder meg til New Moon =)
i miss you =) and you...and you =) la la la...do i?
i'm 45% sad...thinking about the possibilities...and thinking about your situation...awww...whatever...
and I'm discussing with Joanna...about making a Cough Medicine with Oreo flavor..and WHO our forsøkskanin will be..!! haha!! =)

anyway...read =)

" I don't want to think that there is something behind your little actions that makes me fall head over heels for you"

284: lørdagskveld = kos =)

♥ ♪♫

'coz I am superwoman...yes I am...yes she is =) ( Superwoman - Alicia Keys )
the little things you do to me are...taking me over ( The Little Things - C.Caillat)
misssssshu <3

♥ ♪♫


gjett hvor jeg var da?

- DISTRIKT OSLO! - forskjellige ungdomslag fra Oslo samlet seg...og har party! nei da...performances...mat! leker...and just get to know people =) det var koselig å møte gamle venner =) yeeeey!<3 

when I got home...my mom wasn't at home...soooo....I turned the music up and fooled around =) haha! i've been reviewing some good cellphones too...i want one..wait..i need one...coz the one i have is so...



- broken

- bad quality

- small capacity ( 128 MB..wth?)

- got a lot of scratches...

and...the screen is blue! ( i dropped it...and it went right into the snow...boom...screen skækk)

although it's cute and pink =) and fliptop! most of the cphones are touch screens...not that I don't like them (i love them) but it's vintage =)


nope...haven't heard ur voice since wednesday...surprisingly ok...get to converse on other ways...but still...don't cha know I miss you, boy? la la la... la la la...doo doo doo misssssshu <3


fredag 23. oktober 2009

283: school + books = meow?

my desk nr 1.
still not messy...

desk nr. 2
getting messy...
and facebook? not good tsk tsk tsk

desk nr. 3
okiiie... my desk was too "schoolish" so I lied on the carpet...but it hurt :D haha!
so I used a small coffee table...ewww...studying...DAW! =)

I'm on msn...while I really should be where the "light" is...
study table..just across the room...næh...msn muna =)
" Don't go into the light" haha!!! =)

soooo.... my stipend is here...
what did I spend it on? other than clothes and food that is...

well... at Ark...they had a sale...3 for 2 =) soooo....

i bought:
(House of Night Saga) -Marked, Betrayed, Chosen, Untamed and Hunted
( love story)Kiss
(True Blood Series...just the first 3 books...she wrote 9 books in this series...)
Dead Until Dark
Living Dead in Dallas
Club Dead
(it's showing on HBO and NRK1/3 every wednesday and thursday...replay on fridays )

(why are there a lot of "dead" in her series?)


282: norsk fagdag =)

weeeeee! ferdig med utkastet in ur face! haha! =)
hva gjorde vi?
-skrev norsk stil
- hørte på foredrag
-spiste usunne mat! =) haha!!!

the teacher gave us...

free cola =)

dumle sjokolade 2x =)

and he even sang for us =) <3
he is a cool teacher...but his subject is sooooo booooring!

he even opened my bottle with his keys haha! =) it took him 3 seconds? :P
and the message I got from the bottle cap/lid is:
"Du er omringet"
at that moment...my teacher and my classmates were like standing around me...waiting for their turn (bottle opening :D )


torsdag 22. oktober 2009

281: gæh?

okii okii...  stress... although i already sent my first draft to my teacher...i'm stressing 'coz saturday is near... jeg gruer meg =)

hi, mr. busted =) u got busteeeed! har har...found out today...and my conclusion is...la la la ...har har...yaaar!

just wanted to say that...anyway...im already bored and tired of schoolwork...even though we've only just begun...ewww haha...!=) ok...so the norwegian fagdag was not thaaaat boring...we got free coke and chocolates <3 yeeey...but the thing is...i slept during the lecture from Ole Moen...anyway...i really had a hard time keeping my eyes open and sitting up straight...i was slouching...with my face resting on my palm...zzzzz...im sorry...i was just to exhausted... =(

i'll post some pics later =)

la la la...if u just realize...what i just realize...
oh dang...
norsk/spansk/eng/biiig japanese test....buuuu

280: online moments =)

weeee =) im bored...and i feel so stupiiiid! HAHA!

i was so upset...since i keep getting this message:

" Trådløsnettverket er fortsatt deaktivert. Slå på maskinvarebryteren." AAAAH! where the...is it?

i used like...almost an hour looking for some answers on the net (used my mom's lapt0p) uh..only to find out..it was a button...i already turned my pc inside and out...oooh! stupidXP! anywayyyy...=) more online moments =)

this is how my msn contact list usually look like...

yeah...i miss YFL Nordic <3

oh...oh mah gaawd..! this was reaaaally true that day...100% exact!

i died AFTER the end of the world? huh? so where was I living?
a dude with big tities...scratched ball...which caused my heroic death!??!!?

why oh why was I sleeping during classes today? oi oi oi...coz since PDA camp
i haven't been sleeping right...
at the PDA: 8hrs ( for the whole weekend)
Sunday: 5hrs
Monday: 6hrs
Tuesday: 6 hrs
Wednesday: 5 hrs
[ sooo..JJJ three way call on Skype ftw! so..yeah...why were we on skype? 'coz...

Jon: Har dere hørt TECHNO versjonen av You are Holy (Prince of Peace)?
that's why...it was kinda...catchy =) the original version was already catchy...much more with the techno beats haha!!! =)

facebook + msn + skype + undone homework = eyebags! ewww!!!
i slept during Norsk Foredrag from a writer...it wasn't boring..i was just tired...so tired...zzz...
i have an innlevering av utkast later...


onsdag 21. oktober 2009

279th: ouchieness =)

if u can't understand...google translator it =)

  "Huwag mong bitawan ang bagay na hindi mo kayang makitang hawakan ng iba."

  "Huwag mong hawakan kung alam mong bibitawan mo lang."

  "Huwag na huwag ka hahawak kapag alam mong may hawak ka na." 

  "Parang elevator lang yan eh, bakit mo pagsisiksikan ung sarili mo kung
  walang pwesto para sayo. Eh meron naman hagdan, ayaw mo lang pansinin."

  "Kung maghihintay ka nang ng lalandi sayo, walang mangyayari sa buhay
  mo.. Dapat lumandi ka din." <---- EWWWW!

  "Pag may mahal ka at ayaw sayo, hayaan mo. Malay mo sa mga susunod na
  araw ayaw mo na din sa kanya, naunahan ka lang."

 "Hindi lungkot o takot ang mahirap sa pag-iisa kundi ang pagtanggap na
  sa bilyon-bilyong tao sa mundo, wala man lang nakipaglaban upang makasama

  “Hindi porke’t madalas mong ka-chat, kausap sa telepono, kasama sa mga lakad o ka-text ng wantusawa eh may gusto sayo at magkakatuluyan kayo. Meron lang talagang mga taong sadyang friendly, sweet, flirt, malandi, pa-fall o paasa.” -

paano mo masasabing special ka sa isang tao kung ang bawat ginagawa nya ay ginagawa din nya sa iba... =(

bob ong daw...



278th: oink oink =)

i'm so glad I have another person to confide too and trust...no matter how hard it may be for him to keep the secret 'coz...yeah... =) atleast he knows my situation =) anywayyyyy...

awwww...!!! =( god bedring, joanna! =)

God Bedring..! BLI FRISK NÅÅÅ!!!....OREO CAKE FTW <3


tirsdag 20. oktober 2009

277th: tongue tied

tongue tied everytime I hear ur voice...? nææææt! *kræsj i hånda*

WATCH WATCH! i <3 it =)


276th: la la la...


Feelings Show- Colbie C. i love this soooong =)

Feelings Show - C.C

You told me
You’d wait here patiently but
I wonder if he’s kidding
Well maybe he could be serious now
Maybe not
Maybe not


Love is crazy
Pretty baby
Take it real slow
My feelings show
All you have to do
Is never ever let it go
My feelings show
And I want you to know

I’m sorry it’s taking me so long
To find out what I’m feeling
I wonder if it will come to me
Maybe not
Maybe not

Love is crazy
Pretty baby
Take it real slow
My feelings show
All you have to do
Is never ever let it go
My feelings show
And I want you to know
My feelings show
I want you to know

What I’m trying to say is that
I’m feeling a change and
I’ll let it take all over
If you need time away
I won’t ask you to stay
But I don’t want to lose you

Love is crazy
Pretty baby
Take it real slow
My feelings show
All you have to do
Is never ever let it go
My feelings show
Love is crazy
Pretty baby
Take it real slow
My feelings show
All you have to do
Is never ever let it go
My feelings show
And I want you to know
My feelings show

Never ever let it go
My feelings show
Never ever let it go
My feelings show
Never ever let it go
My feelings show 

and...Realize...people keep singing this to me...they say it fits me...i dunno...
Realize - C.C

If you just realize what I just realized,
Then we'd be perfect for each other
and will never find another
Just realized what I just realized
we'd never have to wonder if
we missed out on each other now.

It's not always the same
no it's never the same
if you don't feel it too.
If you meet me half way
If you would meet me half way.
It could be the same for you.



275th: hei på deg! =)

hei alle sammen!

nå er jeg tilbake =) fra PDA woohoo!!! <3<3<3 miss it =)
first of all...!!!

det var HEFTIG gøy! =) synd for dere som ikke ble med XP! haha! tuller...! there's always next time...men jo...det var veldig gøy =)
I løpet av hele helgen...har jeg bare hatt 8timer søvn...det er egentlig mye for å ha vært i en camp! =) pleier å ha...hmm...4timer søvn? =) njeeeh =) oh yeah yeah...
skal jeg skrive om hele campen? neii...det tar jo evigheter =)


1. day
møtte nye folk!
- Skåne folka!

møtte gamle venner!
- YFL Sverige, Island og Finland =) niiice !!! =)

- fikk meg CC...wohohoho...tulla =)
- sang reflection sangen...faiiiil =) 
-vi hadde lek! - oh so fun =)
- and of course... digg mat! :D
- ghost story telling with the Alzona Bros, Chona, Sey, Jai osv...shandae ended up crying...sowi...

- sov kl...3? våkna...7? ugh...zzz

2. day
start the day with a smileeeee =) næææt!
i woke up due to all the cellphone alarms :P haha!!! =) and oh the wake up call...blæh ! =)
but other than that...yes...smile on my face :)

- spiste digg frokost =)
-morning worship! 
-talks =)
- workshops =)
- digg lunsj!
- aktiviteter! Amazing Race rundt hele Mariaholm...åååh..slitsomt...men 100% fun! =)
jeg måtte spise banan med fiskesaus og olje...BLÆH!!! uuugh..!! 
- VELDIG FIIIIIN MIDDAG!!! fancy dinner! candelite dinner...!!! awwww....it was so....awww...
-satt på bordet med Carmelle, Julian og Mick2x... 

MickMick: er dere mette? 
Oss: Ja
Mick: vil dere ikke ha mer?
Oss: Nei...why?
Carmelle: fordi han vil ikke være den eneste som spiser :P
* alle ler* =)


*Et insekt kryr på middagsbordet*
Meg: Woah...pass på...



Meg: Reg! ta bilde! * hands out the camera*
Reg: *snur seg og fortsetter å spise...*
what the...? hahaha!!! ignored =)

-MTV AWARDS...!! very good costumes!!! =) 
- lekte en lek...*evil laugh* very mean game =) oh...stakkars de =)
- sov kl 4? zzzz...

3. day
- oh the wake up call! BOOM BOOM BOOM! so loud...! but it did wake me up =)
-started the day with a laugh! haha! nice! and of course...Morning Worship in front of the chapel...
veeeery cold! but still...i <3 it =)
-digg frokost!
-skrev u got mails<3
- talk
- messe =)
- PRAISEFEST!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
i loved it! i felt it! I miss it! it was so .... <3!
inspiring...very inspiring...got to see other sides of people...especially those I least expected to show their "true colors" awww... =)

few hours after we said goodbye to YFL Sweden, Iceland and Finland...we said Hi again! =)
K. Brion picked me up...and then Dars =) or should I say Kuya Dars? hihi =) ate wasabi nuts inside his car...smelled like...ugh... =) then gratis iskaffe =)

we ate dinner at a viet restaurant... =) nam! <3 laughed a lot...learned sign language =)
met up with YFL Sweden...I miss them already... =(
we were really noisy at the bus terminal =) their bus was leaving at kl 23 haha! hoho *evil laugh* they even had this dance =) miss them =) hope to see them at next year's congress =) yey OSLO! <3

got home around... before midnight...awww... 
sov kl...2? chika chika laaaang =)

a weekend of pure joy =)

i enjoyed it..did you?

Truly Inspiring... <3

fredag 16. oktober 2009

274th: OH YES!

all the tests are done! and the fremførings! oh yeaaah weekend weekend =) meaning..no internet...but I don't care =) woohoo!

on the way to Oslo city...i took the bus...and the bus driver..(woman) was so pissed...'coz a taxi cab stopped infront of the bus...i dunno what happened...but she was so...pissed off =) can't find any word....she was like..."drittsekk...f''' deg! blablaba" hahaah!!

anyway..i really should pack now...see ya in...3 days =) weeeee


torsdag 15. oktober 2009

273rd: zzzz...!!!

i'm currently studying...SAMFUNNSFAG! omg...second most boring subject next to NORSK! ewwwness to the max! it's so complicated when it's not...they just have to make easy things complicated...stupid...ugh...! i don't want eyebags...on the other hand... i need to pack/memorize some songs for the weekend...and...study math for next week...ewwness again...but I'm really looking forward for the weekend to c000me! meaning...old friends will come too =) nice nice...!!! gleder meg til å møte ISLAND! SVERIGE! FINLAND! woohoo =) nice nice nice =)

ugh..but first i have to study...bye!

See YOU! =)

onsdag 14. oktober 2009

272nd: youtube oh youtube =)

fant en video...med love quotes <3
nice <3


Love is like playing the piano. First, you play by the rules. Then you forget the rules and play from your heart.

Some people say you only fall in love once, but every time I hear your voice…I fall in love all over again.
If I could hold a star for every time you made me smile, I would have the whole sky in the palm of my hands
You know you’re in love when the hardest thing to do is say goodbye.
If you can’t get someone out of your head, then maybe they’re supposed to be there.
I’m jealous of every girl that has hugged you, because for one moment, they had my whole world in their hands.
I believe in love, like I believe in God, you can’t touch it, you can’t see it but you can feel it’s wrath.
Should I smile because you are my friend, or cry because that’s all we’ll ever be…
We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to love an imperfect person perfectly.
Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control.
In a room full of people, you’re always the first one I look for.
I don’t think you realize how easy you make me smile.
Why am I afraid to lose you when you aren’t even mine?
When I see you smile and know that it is not for me, that is when I will miss you the most.
I miss you a little, I guess you could say,  a little too often, and a little more each day.
It’s funny, most people can be around someone and then gradually begin to love them and never know exactly when it happened.
A break up is like a broken mirror, it is better to leave it broken than hurt yourself trying to fix it.
It’s every girl’s dream to have a guy call her at 3 am just to say “hey baby…I just wanted to tell you…I love you”

isn't that right?
oh...well...I'll just wait when somebody will call me at dawn and tell me that...never gonna happen, i guess...

off to japanese class...in 15min...ciao!

Tongue Tied - Faber Drive
Almost Lover - A Fine Frenzy

271st: it's so hard...

it's so hard...

to wake up early! especially when it's still dark...and cold! I don't wanna stand up...'coz I love being under my warm blanket...!!! i really should start my new sleeping habit... =)...which is going to bed at 12midnight...SOOO NOT GONNA HAPPEN =) getting colder here in Norway =) <3 <3 <3


vi hadde fagdag! <3 GEOGRAFI...bedre enn norsk! phewww =) fagdag i norsk er rett og slett...BORING TO THE MAX!
Vi var i Akerselva...og tok bilder til rapporten... oh the beautiful scenery :P ikke noe nark0menn =)
enjoy <3

gotta love it <3

on the other side...it's really smooth while the other one is rough...

love the colors <3

greeeen <3

river flows in you... <3

nice...find Edward Cullen <3

oh so nice...autumn <3

so carefree <3

oh...jeg skvatt...i found a dead duck...
luckily I found it before I stepped on it :D

my group...
oh look at the height difference <3 hahahahha!!! <3

oh and yeah...we took a shortcut...through the cemetery...very beatiful one too! =)
just took a quick snapshot... =)


270: online chaos =)

Online Chaos nr. 1

soooo...tantan sent me this on msn:

it's very...yeah...depends on how you take it...not for the faint hearted or "maarte" people

then julian's chat box was popping out of nowhere...saying...what is the video tantan sent you about?...
but I couldn't tell him...coz tantan said I shouldn't =)
so I lied and said...huh? what video? he sent me thousands of video today =)
but then Julian found out that I lied coz tantan blew my cover :P duuuuh!...saying he only sent oneeee..!
so they ended up saying:
He said this...while you said that....while he said this and you said that...so i say ...yeah...you get the point...you know the drill =)

oh...you gotta see the video :P

Online Chaos nr. 2
some peace....
just like chaos nr. 1...still JJJs
but now...their chatboxes pop out of nowhere again...at the same time...asking for Skype...haha!!! =)
i forgot mine...(haven't used it for like....a year? or two?)
so we ended up having a skype conv with Mari G, Kimberly, Tan2x, Julian and Ian
it's really confusing... alot of voices at the same time..makes u crazy =)
but they left...so it's the JJJs again...
we talked about our outfits and this video...( a new one)...GOTTA WATCH! funny and entertaining...not to mention...educational =)

gotta read 3 chapters for the test...boooooooring...
and I'm still gonna watch tv =)

tirsdag 13. oktober 2009

269th: oh yeah <3

oh yeaaaah!
2 days down(1 fremføring, 1 test )...3 days to go ( 1 fremføring, 2 prøver)

jeg gleder meg til å bli ferdig med alle disse prøvene =) og PDA WEEKEND FTW =)
sunshine after the rain... =)after a week of stressful crap...Passion Driven Activity...here I come...Jeg gleder meg til å se folka fra Island, Sverige og Finland som jeg ikke har sett på lengeee ( 3 måneder siden) =) niiiice <3 Jeg savna dem <3 aaaaaanyway....!

where was I yesterday?
- School from 8.15 to 15.00 (it was fine...not exciting... had our english presentation though <3)

- Japanese Class from 16.30 to 18.00 ( fun, i wasn't late...did my homework on the bus...xp! and it was weird....although...every time I have Japanese Class...it's never normal...it's always weird...they made a melody for Lola...( my weird looking pencil case...yeah...Boris baptized it Lola...and everytime the word "lola" is said...Boris and Carlos would sing this annoying melody...dum dum dum dum dum..dududum something...fun though)
- McDonald's...i was so hungryyyyy... and the band prac didn't start before 19...so munch munch :D then I met up with Chona
- Majorstuen S. ...band practice...loud as always...better than ever! <3 we practiced songs that normally would take six or seven practices before we could be satisfied...but hey...we only played it once...and weee! nice! prob coz we had some more serious pipz that night... =)
- got home before 11pm...K. Lance drove me home...

oh and yeah...we had to climb over the fence...AGAIN! and there was this lady who was staring outside her window wondering..."wth are these kids doing at the school so late...climbing over the fence...?!haha...oh well...fun day =)

"save me from my mind" =)

268th: a game...

there's a game going around facebook...
write this and that...then u'll get the answer...

3. personen du skrev på punkt 3 er den du elsker?
comment: OH SNAP!!!!!!

7. personen du skrev på punkt 7 er den du liker, men ikke forstår
comment: so wrong...!

4. du bryr deg mest om personen på punkt 4.
comment: true

and so on...play it on facebook..you'll soon get it on ur inbox... =)


søndag 11. oktober 2009

267th: miss independent...

Hate to know I'm crashing, don't know how it happened. All I know it feels so damn good, said if I could go back and make it happen faster...don't you know I would baby if I could...miss independent to the fullest, the load never too much, she helpin' me pull it she shot the bullet, ended that life..i swear to you the pimp in me just died tonight,girl

(i just love that part) good music...


reading my older posts makes me miss you even more...this is stupid.


my week is ugh...
monday: english presentation, japanese test, gotta study for spanish test
tuesday: spanish test, gotta study for spanish presentation
wednesday: fagdag i Geografi, gotta study for spanish presentation, study for samfunnsfag
thursday: spanish presentation, STUDY hard for the samfunnsfag test...3 chapters! omg...
friday: samf prøve....and then...PDA!!! niiice <3

this weekend is gonna be sooooo great <3


266th: hey there...


some quotes from a movie...He's just not that into you...crap...i'm so gonna read this book...makes me think...REALLY think...think about how I knew this day would come... =)

+ How stupid is it that a girl has to wait for a guy's call anyway, right?
+ He's totally gonna call.
+ Connie, do you know why that little boy did those things? Because he likes you.
+ If a guy doesn't call you, he doesn't want to call you.
+ A wise person once told me that if a guy wants to be with a girl, he will make it happen, no matter what.
+ Calling when you say you're going to call is the very first brick in the house you are building of love and      trust. If he can't lay this one stupid brick down, you ain't never gonna have a house, baby. And it's cold outside.
+ Cut him off. Let him miss you.
+ "Don’t get tricked into asking him out. If he likes you, he’ll do the asking."

is there any way to find out how the male brains work? -except asking them-

265th: party pictures =)

as I blogged...hehe...jeg var på en bdays fest på lørdag...random pictures coming up =)

Señor Bob!


på vei til Oslo...det var så kaldt...kl 23...toget var forsinket...greaaaaat...

oh crap, you read it...
i hope ur not thaaaaaaaat smart...

264: bday paaaarty!

hehe...paaaarty again...( but with mama så det går greit)

Chrisrose feiret 18års dagen med familien og noen foreldre...thank God Silje var der..og Gwendolyn...så jeg kunne snakke med folk som ikke var 20år eldre enn meg :D (no offence) :D

Gratulerer med dagen, Chris!
18 åååårrrr joooo!!! :D
( 1t og 5 min for tidlig :D)
better early than late

263: oh man...

i don't wanna believe or even think that there is/was something behind what you're doing/done...
normally what we did...would be seen as ....yeah you get the point...
oh man...oh crap...i'll just do my homework...
no fun


262nd: paaaaarty...and no party

var i Asker fordi en i klassen min feiret bursdagen sin! <3 niiiiiice <3 sååå kaldt og mørkt! toget var 15min forsinket,mamma klikka.
party + Asker + sent + forsinket tog = no party anymore :( i think i'm grounded? hahahaha!

i wonder why:
+ my mom is stricter now... than when I was younger? shouldn't it be the other way around?
+ i'm so lost
+ i don't care/ feel raged about not being able to go out at night/paaarty!
+ her trust is weakend
+ she doesn't believe in what I say (WHICH ARE TRUE!)
+ doubting what I'm doing...(I go to parties, yes. But I don't smoke, do illegal stuff, drink or something like that)
+ i miss you...
+ i always carry my phone...waiting...still...none...as the seasons change, so do u?
(oh freaking emo, hate it)

i guess I shouldn't argue :P oh well...that's life =)
anyway...i'm tired...see ya in PDA! =)


lørdag 10. oktober 2009

261st: im not thinking clearly...

it's not unusual that I'm not thinking clearly...but this is just...too much...my head is so confused. so many thoughts. it irritates me. and yes...YOU irritated me like hell.

I never thought I'd:
be inlove like this... (Knock You Down - Keri H./Ne-yo)
be mad at you like this.
hate you.
get tired of ice skating.
be irritated by you.
love the salad bar at ICA
follow True Blood
get into Katta
be in this situation right now...

anyway, i didn't blog yesterday coz I was studying for a test. Science test about ecosystems and such. 2 hours. My hand was aching. Writing 6 pages of pure science is tiring! =S...although I was always online and checked facebook every minute ...facebook addict? oh yes.

Blogging is like an online diary. Letting every detail of my thoughts be typed. But no, there are just stuff that I'd rather keep to myself. it's just so complicated that I can't put it into words. I'm so confused. A lot on  my mind. Tests, friends, parties, school, family and other stuff...it may sound like i whine on every little detail...(which i always do)...but this time...it's different. or so i think.
my eyes are so tired and wants to surrender...but my mind says not to. I'm hungry too. This is crappy. Although I love my life right now =)

Got  home from G.A two hours ago...it was really fun =)
1) met some friends i haven't seen for like...1 week? HAHA! =) <3
2) we played a game...too long to type ( im not myself today)
3) sharings and talks...mission, theme for the PDA, ygt, pancit...and a lot more...
4) whine
5) freaking irritated
6) walked from St. Olav to Oslo City with a large group of "tourists"...we looked like tourists...
large group of asians =) but we did that in Torino, Italy too, right? ( we WERE tourists then )

Me, Joanna M, Andre, Dars, MG, Bea, andrea, carl, silje, ian,julian,ian co, christobal, kassandra, dence, harold, jonathan...i'm sorry if i forgot someone else... but yeah...my head is really spinning...my mom keeps asking some annoying questions that I really don't want to answer. too many thoughts. I hate messy thoughts. everything is so disconnected...but at the same time...they aren't. it's blurry, i'll say...crap.

i'm starting to swim in deeper seas. exciting. scary. hurts. "water's getting harder to tread, with these waves crshing over my head..if I could just see You, everything will be alright, if I'd see You, the darkness will turn to light" ( Storm - lifehouse) i hate it when people get included and get hurt. I hate it when you don't realize things much sooner. I hate it when you make impulsive decisions. goosebumps from head to toe. scary. nice.

I'll win for you <3 but you fail.
You changed....or just my perspective?
i have retorical questions yet I have loads of them.
oh my

God help me. SEE YA IN PDA!


onsdag 7. oktober 2009

260th: sometimes...

sometimes it's better to trust your guts than listen to others' advice... =)

anywayyyy... =)
i REALLY should hide my card...i buy this and that even though it's unecessary...
and I ate a LOT today..here's the list:

2 slices of bread with butter
Lion choco bar...
Litago melk
1 lefse ( ga resten til han som satt ved siden av meg :P )
spaghetti again
2 slices of bread again
1 box of sweetcorn
10 pcs. of Pringles
I FEEL SO BLOATED...ewwww!!!!!!! too much food in one day...gæh..!

my day is complete when we talk...
makes me carefree...love it...
and when we don't I feel empty...
bored, "slapp", whine-mode and really not in the best mood...and I start to think...i don't like it
but you surprise me suddenly when you call out of the blue
but i'm still confused...is this true?
or is this one of those addictions that leaves me thinking...
do i really like u, or just addicted...
i have no clue.

tirsdag 6. oktober 2009

259th: day day day...

i woke up
50 minutes after my first alarm rang...
i was tired
but I knew that I had to get up...
prepare my stuff...
and all the hiking clothes...
I had a hard time making up my mind about what to wear.
I'm not a nature-freak-that-goes-on-a-hiking-trip-every-week. =)

I slept early compared to when I usually sleep.
somewhere about kl 00.30am?
i felt guilty.
I was (as usual) texting on the phone...
but I fell asleep...just because I closed my eyes for a few seconds...
I woke up around 3 or 4 am? was thirsty...
2 new messages (not thaaaat new anymore...2 hrs old)
ntjååw...sorry again =)
i really should not set my phone on "Silent" mode...

I showered as faaaast as I could.
Still fail.
Bought warm coco at Narvesen with my classmate.
rip off...I got only 2/3 of my cup filled...UUUGGGGHH!!!
only cost me 19 kr though =)


du er så rar,psycho =)
1) drøm søtt <3

2) kos deg i dag og ikke bli spist av bjørner =)

3) kommer til å dø i gymmen!

4) nei da... =)

5) jeg skal prøve å ikke besvime, kos deg i dag og ikke bli spist av bjørner <3