mandag 5. oktober 2009

257th: blæææææh...!

you know what...? i woke up...15 minutes BEFORE school...! hurry hurry...=) luckily I showered before i went to sleep =)...panic...!!!

then off to school...we had byorientering....Katta...Grünnerløkka...Nordre Gravlunden, Karl Johan, Fagerborg and Vestre Aker...GAH! coooold! then my partner hit his head on a sculpture...! BWAHAHA! i have no idea how he didn't see the HUGE hand of the statue =) BOOOOM! fail.

la di da la di da... =) school is fun =) <--- now that's weird... :s

we had japanese class today...i was...20 min late? but oh well...THE BUS DIDN'T ARRIVE! 3 buses that were supposed to stop at St. Hanshaugen...16.16...16.21 and 16.26 didn't I had to wait for the bus that arrived at 16.36...and my classes started at kl16.30!!! buuuu!!!
so i sat with boris and ingeborg...(she ate some of my chocolate :P ) all boris talked about was Lola (my pencil case), SuckNBlow game, and what I missed at saturday (Andie, andrea and boris played a loooot of truth games...TRUTH games i say...scary) then Michelle was like: Embla said "ROTTER"...i was like..."okeeeeeeeey?!...should I know what u mean?

off to eat dinner =)

School takes up so much time...missing the vacation...

swedish fail.

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