lørdag 3. oktober 2009

251st: been thinking lately...

there's a lot of things going bananas lately...

there's this thing with this girl, this guy and a girl...school...priorities...and my plans for the future...

anyway...I'm "grounded" for a day =) haaaaaay...juz cuz i got home around 11.40 pm...i mean...i've been worse :P trust me :P

riiiiight....here's the continuation:

yesterday we just chilled and had a good time at Carl's Bday party...guitar hero, rock band, took pictures, chitchats, ate delicious tacos and lasagne (naaaaam <3) it was really declicious ...anyway... i really sucked at playing guitar hero =) He opened gifts la la la and yea...it was fun. We played this game called...i dunno SuckNBlow? haha...the thing is...u have to "suck" a playing card with your lips...and pass it to the next person...where she/he will pass it to the other person...so it goes around...weird yet surprisingly fun...if u lose the card...well..let's just say there's a consequence =) (u really need to have good reflexes if u don't want to "lose" and u know, "hit someones lips" =))...i dropped the card a couple of times...i don't think i kissed anyone tho...that's what i believe =) but yeah yeah :P it was really fun =)

when i got home...i changed clothes, brushed my teeth, washed mah face, a little facebook time and went straight to bed...i was soooo tired. woke up around 3am, I couldn't sleep again...I just stared on my white wall for an hour...checked my phone...2 new messages... surprised that those two people aren't asleep yet ...only to find out that they sent the messages around 1am... I didn't reply before 3.30 am :P sooowi =)

I didn't sleep before...6am? omg...yet...I'm not tired...(woke up at 11.30...although I didn't get up before kl 13)

now...i'm just boring myself at home with homeworks and stuff...


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