lørdag 24. oktober 2009

284: lørdagskveld = kos =)

♥ ♪♫

'coz I am superwoman...yes I am...yes she is =) ( Superwoman - Alicia Keys )
the little things you do to me are...taking me over ( The Little Things - C.Caillat)
misssssshu <3

♥ ♪♫


gjett hvor jeg var da?

- DISTRIKT OSLO! - forskjellige ungdomslag fra Oslo samlet seg...og har party! nei da...performances...mat! leker...and just get to know people =) det var koselig å møte gamle venner =) yeeeey!<3 

when I got home...my mom wasn't at home...soooo....I turned the music up and fooled around =) haha! i've been reviewing some good cellphones too...i want one..wait..i need one...coz the one i have is so...



- broken

- bad quality

- small capacity ( 128 MB..wth?)

- got a lot of scratches...

and...the screen is blue! ( i dropped it...and it went right into the snow...boom...screen skækk)

although it's cute and pink =) and fliptop! most of the cphones are touch screens...not that I don't like them (i love them) but it's vintage =)


nope...haven't heard ur voice since wednesday...surprisingly ok...get to converse on other ways...but still...don't cha know I miss you, boy? la la la... la la la...doo doo doo misssssshu <3


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