tirsdag 27. oktober 2009

290: happy biiiirthday =)

i know...i'm one day late...but hey...

håper du hadde en fin dag =)

was H's bday...
B and TT (HAHA! ti ti daw)...
had arranged this surprise birthday party/dinner at a restaurant...
they said that he was coming at kl 19...but you know..filipino time =)...so yeah
he arrived with TT (HAHA!)...he was blindfolded...from Nationalteatret all the way to
the restaurant =)
( i wonder how many people were staring at them...two guys on the subway... with blindfold on the other dude...kidnap? haha! )

when he arrived...he still had the blindfold on...then...he hit his head on the vase? ouch! haha! =)
i think somebody has it on video =)
it was funny...
then we sang happy birthday...and everyone was there...! awww...!
then foooooood time...
i was only gonna order Banh Coun ( or something ) but then Dars said that the Sprøstekt And was the best...well...Me and Silje ordered it...then our plan was to share with the others...næt =) I shared with Andre though :P
i was really full...but wait....FREE DESSERT! =) naaaam <3

ewww...i think I ate too much...blob blob blob!

when I got home...i still had to study for my geo test...blæh...ended up sleeping at 2am... <3 no eyebags tho?!
la la la...

jeg klarte å klemme fingeren min under stolen...og SATT på stolen! ouch..!!! craaaaap...!
Andre og Andrea bare...AUUU :P yes... it hurt like crap...!
(not that crap hurts ..ew)

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