torsdag 29. oktober 2009

293: norsk ewww

ewww... i used my 3 hr free to do my norwegian paper...ewww...and I ate a lot...ewww too =)
i had a long day today...

i started at 8.15...was done at 15.50...then japanese classes at 16.30 to 18.00...and practice from 19-21 zzz...
i had to finish my paper...which was due kl. 23.59... i was panicking...and I relieved stress by eatin goreo and popcorn...EWWW! fats...! -_-''

anyway... moi, dence and dars went to ate yas' house... it was cold outside...brrr... and we ate sinigang =) super nice =)

after jap. class...D called and asked if we could go there was coooold! brrr...! and i think he's catching a cold...hmm?...the road was very dark....scary...then we saw a dog...he got scared....then we heard barks...he got scared again...then another dog! ahahaha! u know what happened next...he got scared again =) LOL! was really we walked/jumped the whole way from Kiwi to their house...silly us...! u should have seen it.. XP! was fun...then ate yas showed her halloween costume collection...haha!! scary mask! :D on our way home...we had to go through "the forest" ...næh--just in the woods...and the stairs were iced...and oh so slippery =) i clinged to tantan the way down...only to see...our bus pass by...NOOOOO! we had to wait for the next one...while this other guy kept...yeah...mhm...farting :D haha!! =) omg...! oh yeah...when i got home....norsk till midnight...zzzz...
but tomorrow is OD dag... no classes...but i need a job...and dad's 16th death anniversary...i miss him...even though i never got to know him...he's always gonna be a part of me...but a hole in my heart as well... RIP dad... =(

live your life =)

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