tirsdag 13. oktober 2009

269th: oh yeah <3

oh yeaaaah!
2 days down(1 fremføring, 1 test )...3 days to go ( 1 fremføring, 2 prøver)

jeg gleder meg til å bli ferdig med alle disse prøvene =) og PDA WEEKEND FTW =)
sunshine after the rain... =)after a week of stressful crap...Passion Driven Activity...here I come...Jeg gleder meg til å se folka fra Island, Sverige og Finland som jeg ikke har sett på lengeee ( 3 måneder siden) =) niiiice <3 Jeg savna dem <3 aaaaaanyway....!

where was I yesterday?
- School from 8.15 to 15.00 (it was fine...not exciting... had our english presentation though <3)

- Japanese Class from 16.30 to 18.00 ( fun, i wasn't late...did my homework on the bus...xp! and it was weird....although...every time I have Japanese Class...it's never normal...it's always weird...they made a melody for Lola...( my weird looking pencil case...yeah...Boris baptized it Lola...and everytime the word "lola" is said...Boris and Carlos would sing this annoying melody...dum dum dum dum dum..dududum something...fun though)
- McDonald's...i was so hungryyyyy... and the band prac didn't start before 19...so munch munch :D then I met up with Chona
- Majorstuen S. ...band practice...loud as always...better than ever! <3 we practiced songs that normally would take six or seven practices before we could be satisfied...but hey...we only played it once...and weee! nice! prob coz we had some more serious pipz that night... =)
- got home before 11pm...K. Lance drove me home...

oh and yeah...we had to climb over the fence...AGAIN! and there was this lady who was staring outside her window wondering..."wth are these kids doing at the school so late...climbing over the fence...?!haha...oh well...fun day =)

"save me from my mind" =)

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