søndag 14. mars 2010

Fornuft eller Følelser?

på vei hjem fra teatret så vi en plakat på t-banen
og det sto:
"Fornuft eller Følelser?"

Paya: Julianne, fornuft eller følelser?
Jeg: Fornuft.
Paya: mhhhhm...! riiiiiight....?
Jeg: Hva er det?
Paya: Ikke noe... det er bra. Fornuft. Selv om det er ikke den enkleste så er det for det beste.
Jeg: Mhm.

Love makes you blind. Therefore, you gotta learn from your mistakes in order to prevent further blindness.
There was this time when I felt like I was doing the right thing. I didn't care about what others think or say.
I was following my heart. I didn't think about who got hurt. Stupid. I didn't think. I was blind. This poster made me think. Thinking...is what I was trying to avoid. Thinking is the worst thing you can do, but it is the best, too. Nobody said that love would be a dance on roses. Well, atleast not a dance on rose petals alone, but with the thorns? then yes. In life, you gotta leave things behind in order to see better ones. Easy? Hell no. Impossible? again...no. God wouldn't give you burdens that you cannot handle. They didn't call it hurdles if there was no way in getting over it. Right? You just have to jump higher. Jump enough to get to the other side. You might fall down. (No milk today commercial...xD!) But you have to keep going on.
I'm not saying that following your mind is alwaaaays the best thing. Following the heart may be the best for some people. It's just that, you have to face the consequences for the road you've taken. I chose to follow my heart...I ended up in a mess. I'm following my mind...I'm still in a chaos, but better. I'm looking at the bright side: my phone bill ain't touching the sky anymore, no more lying, no more hiding, feeling free etc.
I choose not to see the dark side. It only keeps you down. There's no point in sulking anymore, really. It's just...no. Power to succeed. But if you really want to pursue it, go for it. Taking a different road than what I've taken may work out for y'all.

For me, I'll start again.
Be happy. Look past the coincidences. The past. I won't forget them. I will carry them with me. Learn from them. Smile.


"Over My Head - The Fray"

2 kommentarer:

Andre sa...

No milk today, sånn plutselig xD

-julianne- sa...

jeg digger den reklamen <3 haha!!