fredag 19. mars 2010

litt fail. wait. SUPER FAIL!

jeg la meg kl 1 igår fordi jeg øvde til prøven...
så sto jeg opp kl 7 for å øve litt mer...skulle egentlig stå opp kl 06 og lese...litt fail.
ok...så kl 07...lå i senga og hadde notatene i hånda...leste alt...og...
blææææh...!! jeg forsov meg! ooomgski! 
våkna...NÅ! fy søren. all of the hours reading...wasted. BOOOOO!

FML 100% least my life is not as FML as theirs:
Funny Facebook Fails
see more funny facebook stuff!

Funny Facebook Fails
see more funny facebook stuff!
This Is Why I Only Do Blow With People From Myspace
see more funny facebook stuff!
Funny Facebook Fails
see more funny facebook stuff!
Funny Facebook Fails
see more funny facebook stuff!
HAHAHA! omg..!

btw...go to
search for your name...and weird descriptions will appear xD!


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