tirsdag 30. mars 2010

Falskhet. Svikt. Løgner. ..Tilgivelse.

Palmesøndag. lang evangelie as..!
men det handlet om tilgivelse. Disiplene hadde sviktet Jesus da Han trengte dem mest. Betrayers. OUCH.
but He still forgave them. They were friends...yet they betrayed Him. ouchouchouch.

...above it all...forgiveness.
I know it's hard to forgive people who betrayed you, but no matter how hard it is, you just have to be strong enough to do so. ouch.

Scrubs Marathon today xD!
"Forhold handler om å ta sjanse. Det er derfor det heter " å hoppe i det".

"At the end of the day, relationships are tricky. Things are always different thee second time. But you just gotta remember that evn though things are changing all around you, you're still the same."

"You were inlove, you got hurt. You went out-love, you got lost. You don't know how to start again. Now, am I right?"

"You grieve...then you move on." 
(...fra Charmed...xD!)

"Just because they say "action", it doesn't mean you gotta do something."
(...Grounded for Life show)

"She who dares to stand where I stood..."
(Where I Stood - Missy Higgins)

Taking the Stage (MTV SHOW)
Jasmine: Is there something you wanna tell me?
Tyler: We went for a walk then one thing led to another. We only made out.
Jasmine: Ouch.
Tyler: It was stupid, I'm sorry. I want us to be together, I know I screwed up.  Do you still want me?
Jasmine: I dunno.
Tyler: I still want to be with you.

(STUPIIIID TYLER...!! hallo...tror du alt kommer til å ordne seg etter "I'm sorry." eller? dust. effing two timer.)

nå skal jeg legge meg for i morgen tidlig skal vi nemlig på ZUMBA...ay caramba...xD!!!

Tyler: I will do anything to win her back.

Whatever it takes - Lifehouse.
"You're forgotten...NOT forgiven."

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