tirsdag 31. august 2010

I can't just fall back when my heart is under attack ♫

Music Ministry date med Julian, Carl, Dars, Brion, Cedric, Chris og Jaz. Spiste pizza, spilte CS og PS. Øvde. Fun day. Long school day. Tiresome. 

pretty color =)
Don't waste your youth growing up. 

greaaat...klokken jeg kjøpte på lørdag sluttet å funke...skal bytte den =/
but hey, it stopped at 22:45...
best day ever <3

hadde fysikk...fritt fall.

illuminati book =/

went shopping with her =) the ultimate shopper :p i "forced" her to buy those black wedges :p
she stood infront of the mirror for like 30 min and was thinking: Yes...no...yes...no...YES! =)
gotta digg her =) then head out to Bislett Kebab with Carl and her =)

nights =)


søndag 29. august 2010

People erase you from their lives just because it's easier than to work things out. Stupidity.




A white woman, about 51 years old, was seated next to a black man on an airplane. Obviously disturbed by this, she called the air hostess. “Madam, what is the matter?” the hostess asked. “You obviously do not see it,” she responded. “You placed me next to a black man. I do not agree to sit next to someone from such a repugnant group. Give me an alternative seat.” “Be calm please,” the hostess replied. “Almost all the places on this flight are taken. I will go to see if another place is available.” The Hostess went away and then came back a few minutes later. “Mam, I spoke to the captain and he informed me that there is also no seat in the business class. All the same, we still have one place in the first class.” Before the woman could say anything, the hostess continued, “It is not usual for our company to permit someone from the economy class to sit in the first class. However, given the circumstances, the captain feels that it would be scandalous to make someone sit next to someone so disgusting.” The hostess turned to the black man and said “Therefore, Sir, if you would like to, please collect your hand luggage, a seat awaits you in first class.” At that moment, the other passengers who were shocked by what they had just witnessed stood up and applauded.


iLike! ;)



So Miss Philippines Venus Raj managed to place 4th in the Miss Universe Pageant...and these guys recorded their reaction. SO FUNNY. MUST WATCH! 
1:39 ( the dude on the right with his hair parted in the middle )
clap clap clap BOOM!

2:27 (They found out that miss Philippines was one of the top 4 finalists. All hell broke loose :P)
(It's so funny, particularly the part where the larger guy hops up and down and his bilbil is bouncing xD!)...and the other one is kneeling on the bed screaming "PUTANG INA!!!Thank you Lord!!!...and the other hopped off the bed and out of the video xD!) JUST WATCH

1:38 and 2:27 =) enjoooy :)

it would be so fun having cousins like them :)

Kass (copyright xD!)

I know better but I can't help it. His love is all I know.

The second song I got from Mr. Empanada is called All She Knows by Bruno Mars (again <3) Gotta love that dude, his voice is so... <3.

She knows better but
She can't help it
Wanna tell her
But would that be selfish
How do you heal
A heart that can't feel, it's broken
His love is all she knows, all she knows, all she knows
His love is all she knows, all she knows, all she knows

Ew. Skole i morgen. Ew.

lørdag 28. august 2010

Ikea date.

var på Ikea-window shopping og Staples-shopping med Andrea <3 Gotta love her =)
første skoleuken, check! 4857485 more to go
da jeg sto opp, så jeg at...
Voldemort var på vei xD

Penger + Julianne = Shopping. Julianne + Shopping = Blakk.

sååå...i dag var jeg på shopping, ikke det beste shopping-været i dag, men ja ja =P
gikk amok

tok ikke bilder av de andre plaggene men whatever :p
skal på shopping igjen på mandag med hun jenta her :) <3 
(måtte bare xD! jeg venta jo på deg i én time, so we're even hohoho)
Surprise, LOL xD


"What would you say if I kissed you, right here and right now?"

 Runaway - Bruno Mars <3
Another song I got from mr. Empanada. He sent me this song a while ago, just never listened to it. But iLove <3

Just take my hand and fall in love with me again. Let's runaway to the place where love first found us. Let's run away for the day, don't need anyone around us. Girl, you've been so patient, spendin' nights alone and not complainin'.
But i'll make it up to you and i promise today i won't keep you waitin'.
Please give me this one chance to remind you of everything we have.
I won't give up, I'm too much in love, and I want you to know that.
Just take my hand, fall in love with me again. 
Winter Kisses, the best. They keep you warm in spite of the cold temp. =)

Starting Today - Bruno Mars
Girl I know I broke your heart
and trusting me is really hard
but watch how quick I change my ways
starting today, today, starting today ooooh
I know that I'm the one to blame
you say every mans the same
but watch how quick I change my ways ooooh
Girl I'm starting today.
  <3 He's sooo sweet :) 

fredag 27. august 2010

Sometimes, you forgive people simply because you still want them in your life.

Jeg føler at jeg er hvor jeg skal være akkurat nå. At jeg ikke må hoppe inn i noe, at jeg trenger bare å vente og noe inni meg sier at det kommer til å gå bra og at det kommer til å skje. Shizzleness. Waitings da...and I'm totally fine with it. If it's meant to be, then it will be :)
Que sera, sera. Whatever will be will be, the future's not ours to see. Que sera, sera.
 B.PusPos' class was crazy. Like reaaally crazy. Too advanced and too detailed. Nybegynner, my ass. Oh well. Jeg tror det er best at jeg holder meg til band og musikk. Jeg suger i å danse.

Starter kl 10 i morgen, digg!


onsdag 25. august 2010

jeg skal behandle deg som leksene mine: Ta deg med hjem, slenge deg på bordet og holde på med deg hele natta.

ok...skole...jeg føler det nå as...første innlevering: LEVERT!
ugh...lekse allerede også...great.

Oh well.
Tok house og hiphop klasse med Bea, Jonathan og Andre i dag. Gosh. 
Meg + House = FAIL 100%
Meg + Nybegynner hiphop (MEN EGENTLIG SÅ VAR DET ADVANCED) = FAIL 250%
Brian Puspos fra SoReal Cru hadde time i dag...han er syyyk flink, men so super duper advanced...jeg døde.

Tok en tantan...sweatcalc: 10+++ from head to the toes. Bokstavelig talt. Hello butt.
Daaa spiste vi bare på Mcdo og da ble Harold, Diska og Kassandra med :)
Senere dro de til Operaen, men jeg hadde ikke på meg jakke og jeg har en haug med lekser, så jeg dro hjem. Men ellers var det en koselig dag. Nå er det på tide med deilig varm dusj. Natta! :)
han hadde på seg akkurat denne tskjorten i dag. 
det er kjæresten btw, hun var også flink!


hvis jeg hadde fått en evne, så vil jeg ha evnen til å teleportere meg selv.

"Skulle ønske jeg kunne teleportere meg selv til rommet ditt akkurat nå."
"Gjør det da :) "
"Er allerede der?"
"I hjertet ditt."
"LOL, greit du vinner :)" 


honey, why are you calling me so late?

"I am asking for permission to call you, your Majesty."
"Coooorny du er a?"


tirsdag 24. august 2010

snakk om sola.

great at det regner da. 

og great at jeg begynner 08 =(

På vei til Majorstua tok jeg trikken fra Jernbanetorget, jeg var sliten, brydde meg ikke om drita folk rundt meg og siden kl var 23:00, var det seff mørkt ute.
Da jeg skulle akkurat til å gå ombord på trikken, skrek noen. Jeg var så trøtt og hørte ikke hva duden sa. Plutselig følte jeg at noen tok tak i armen min, jeg var SÅ klar til å slå den gutten i trynet!!! lol. bare Julian. Great jeg ikke fikk sjansen til å slå han da :P kødda.

Møtte så mange folk i dag, Andreas venninner, Ate April, Ian D, Julian, Bengt.  Det var så kleint å møte Bengt på trikken. Heldigvis var mamma også der :p phew.

RD: skjer med at du er så inlove a?
J: hø?
RD: hearts overalt
J: Hæ? Fortell!
RD: You tell me.
J: Jeg må gå, snakkes når jeg kommer hjem.
RD: Hvor er du a? Iiiiih :)
J: Du veeeet... :P
sorry as...men det er ingen :P sorry to disappoint


mandag 23. august 2010

they say we won't make it, but guess what we made it...and we got them wondering how.

first day of school down...112324342 more to go!
var faktisk ikke så ille =)
møtte Andie og jaktet etter den perfekte boken...fra byen til Blindern.
og vi møtte Ate April =) nice :)
ok...dritt timeplan + må opp tidlig...lengter etter ferien as :)


søndag 22. august 2010

in action.

carl...your pose :p
perfect sister - love

bakakon kang dako.

True friends are like diamond, precious and rare.
Fake friends are like leaves, found everywhere.

Sooo, rake your yard and make it leaf-free. But sadly, one weed is so stubborn and is so hard to pull. 
But other than that, my yard only has diamonds. Greatful for that.

But hey, you can't judge your friends by how faithful and caring they are to you OR if they are always there. They could be naturally fake. There will be times that certain circumstances may hinder those who are so close to you from being in your touch when you need them, but that doesn't mean they are less true than the ones who are always there. Yeah yeah, through thick and thin, but who knows? Life goes on, and hey, the ones who weren't there for you at that moment may be the ones there for you in the future when everybody else fail. You can't base who your true friends by their behaviour right now, and exclude the others and label them as fake. 'Coz there are just some people who are naturally fake. ( creds til C) We're still young and we have our whole life laid before us, life's not over yet, so who knows? In the future things can change and your whole world will turn upside down, you will begin to question your life and the people around you. People you know may turn out to be not who you thought they were. But hey, are you dead? No. So you don't know how your life will turn out to be and you have nooo idea how it'll end or what the future might unfold before your eyes. 

You have the bestest friends. Good for you. But to exclude others, that automatically labels them as fake. Just remember, there are those who silently do things for you, and you'll never know it. You remain ungrateful because you have no idea what they've gone through for you. Know, before you judge. 
my dream inspired me to write this...
tomorrow is the first day of school and summer is officially over, I don't think it's a good idea to still chat at 5am xD
Happy Sunday =)


lying in my bed. with the rooftop window right above my face. i can see stars. and they only remind me of the nights and dawns when we talked under the starry sky, then it happened. like magic.

J: "It's minus 15 degrees, why did you still hold my hand?"
"J: "Who cares if my hands turn numb and red? I just wanna hold you."
<3 gosh <3

...and he did. KILIGS!

"For you I'd do it all over again..."
-Bruno Mars.
"Du skuffer ingen. Du skylder ingen en forklaring. Det er jo ditt liv. Du må være ærlig mmot deg selv og dine følelser."

It's impossible. 
First love never dies.