lørdag 14. august 2010


filmen var såååå trist...!!! jeg klarte ikke å se på de triste scenene, så jeg spolet frem...
ouff...it's just like "Koizora" ( Blue Sky)
but omg...så trist...så mange twists også...ikke så predictable...men uffa meg...
did he die? did he get a transplant? who died? 
well watch it =)

ah...memories <3
"I'd do anything to hold your hand right now."
the feeling when you know that he's gonna kiss you, the moment you look into his eyes. PRICELESS.
"I never regret anything."
"I fall in love with you again and again, even though I know such sadness awaits in the end."
"I will always love you. No matter where you are."


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