søndag 22. august 2010

bakakon kang dako.

True friends are like diamond, precious and rare.
Fake friends are like leaves, found everywhere.

Sooo, rake your yard and make it leaf-free. But sadly, one weed is so stubborn and is so hard to pull. 
But other than that, my yard only has diamonds. Greatful for that.

But hey, you can't judge your friends by how faithful and caring they are to you OR if they are always there. They could be naturally fake. There will be times that certain circumstances may hinder those who are so close to you from being in your touch when you need them, but that doesn't mean they are less true than the ones who are always there. Yeah yeah, through thick and thin, but who knows? Life goes on, and hey, the ones who weren't there for you at that moment may be the ones there for you in the future when everybody else fail. You can't base who your true friends by their behaviour right now, and exclude the others and label them as fake. 'Coz there are just some people who are naturally fake. ( creds til C) We're still young and we have our whole life laid before us, life's not over yet, so who knows? In the future things can change and your whole world will turn upside down, you will begin to question your life and the people around you. People you know may turn out to be not who you thought they were. But hey, are you dead? No. So you don't know how your life will turn out to be and you have nooo idea how it'll end or what the future might unfold before your eyes. 

You have the bestest friends. Good for you. But to exclude others, that automatically labels them as fake. Just remember, there are those who silently do things for you, and you'll never know it. You remain ungrateful because you have no idea what they've gone through for you. Know, before you judge. 
my dream inspired me to write this...
tomorrow is the first day of school and summer is officially over, I don't think it's a good idea to still chat at 5am xD
Happy Sunday =)


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