tirsdag 16. juni 2009

fifth stop: confused station

heya people of this blue, green and colorful world...
well...today has been very...blue.

I woke up at...probably 8.45 am...because Ajumah called me. Guess why? 'Cause she needed the microsoft office cd :D LOL! well..i guess it was a good thing that she called...'coz my class started at 8.30!!!!!! I knew I was late...yet I did not have the motivation to drag myself to the bathroom and take a shower... Ever since the oral exams were done (weee) I just couldn't help myself from thinking " hey...the grades are set...no normal classes...just wasting my time staring at my teacher, who is by the way talking nonsense....blablabla...."

anyway...( i wonder how many times I've repeated this word...including in my other posts)
aish...I spent a total of 1 and a half hour trying to change my working schedules...yet nobody could take them...grrr...oh well...can't blame them..my job isn't the best payed job in this country...actually..some people say it's the company who pays the lowest wage! oh crap! why did I ever take this job in the first place? experience? references? oh well...

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