onsdag 17. juni 2009

tenth station: I'm really really bored station

I'm bored. Dere har sikkert fått det med dere...I'm tired, yet I don't want to go to bed.
My face mask (Garnier-white-thing-that's-supposed-to-help-my-face-blablabla) is starting to harden...nice:)

My mom is asleep...she has to work tomorrow..so early...aww...I hate early stuff...early school..early meetings...early job...early everything! haha:D that's why I'm always late...

(references: my friends..they know how late I can be...max 1 hour though) :D

But when it's reeeeeeeeeally important...then I'm on time :) oh i'm so booooooooored...zzzzzzzzz *doze off*

*wakes up* better wash my mask away...

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