fredag 31. juli 2009

68th: oslo

back in oslo..aww..miss italy..:D especially the veranda moments !!haha lætizz:D

Word of the week: Kæze

lol * still smelling the scent* <---smells like heaven...

anyway..just got home from Ranica's house...we watched Saw 5.
( Me, chrisrose, joanna, joanna c., andre, andy, gieno, julian, cj, jaira, madelyn, silje, ranica, dence, ian and kassandra...)

ate a lot...chips, popcorn, lumpia and more..!!:D
i was really creeped out by the scenes of the the people there...i was sitting on the corner and was really hugging tight to my pillow...aaargh!...bloody scenes...

<3 - julianne - <3
*smelling my arm...* <-- lukter freaking godt!

67th: <3

awww...last day...last night at the veranda...

we talked about weird spiritual stuff...then one blue candy dropped from the sky...we were freaked out...then another the time the second one dropped halv a meter from me...I ran! fast! to the door!:D haha...i thought i was alone in escaping...not! I saw Cj, Silje and Julian were also at the door. creeped out, i guess..hah!:D cabiao just sat there...tired i guess...the others were just there...pretending like nothing happened...
* still smelling my arm...* haha dårlig unnskyldning fra Julz: Jeg måtte beskytte Julz og Carl i tilfelle noen skal kæze dem. <---- hahaha!!:D dårlig:D

omg...BLUE shooting star and BLUE candies...

66th: more city roaming:D

love the city...although it was so hooooot!!!:D

I loved this day...i don't remember what happend...i think we roamed the city and bought stuff...well they bought stuff..i wasted my money on food and drinks...i had to drink! always i hooooooot

65th: torino baby!

yey!! torino..!!:D so hotttt!!!:D almost 37 degrees celsius...awww!!:D shorts time:D
we went out and ate at a restaurant called....i forgot the name:D hahaha!!:D anyway...there was this waiter who said "Ni Hao" - with a creepy wave...hahaah:D aww...stakkars wei:D
picture taking!!:D

and then,..The Veranda time!!:D <3 <3 <3

WE SAW A SHOOTING STAR!!:D a blue one...and it was so fast! i didn't even get to wish...what's weird was that the day before that...Julian and I were talking about seeing a shooting star...and what to wish when we get to see one...he wanted teleportation hahaha :P and then we saw it! craaaap...what a was blue...i thought it was going to be red<3 anyway...we slept around there and talked about everything...WEIRD stuff...really weird...

64th: last day

aw..last day...the results!

guess what...

norway won the praise parade...AGAIN!!:D yes!!!:D
the dodgeball as well...and dance competition...!!:D

the band placed third...i know...honestly I'm disappointed..people say that we shouldn't i can't help it...*tear* i wanted to win so badly...and I guess I got my punishment...the whole time I was in the conference I only thought about winning...oh well...i felt like I lost my way...i'm currently trying to find it again...starting to stray...

this day was really stressing and complicated,.,.,.,.,.

so we were on our way back to the city...*miss the was so nice*
anyway...all the seats on the cars were taken and tantan was assigned to sit on the truck:D haha!!:D open truck...haha!!:D but he sat on a car...nedtur:D joke:D peace tan2x:D

*lukter fortsatt på armen min som en galning..!!*

63rd: 2nd day...

tired...tired and so tired...the second day of the conference..!! the talks and workshops nice:D gatherings and worships...awww:D new songs learned: Adonai, Run, God of this city, mighty to save..etc....

cocktail party...woo0hh00:D loved this night:D

62nd: wohoo!

conference!! so the conference started on the 24th of July...wooohooo... the sports competition was on!...hahaha...then suddenly...i got the message that....BAND COMPETITION TODAY! i freaked out....first time in my life where I felt that my heart sank....completely..:D

hella nervous....then friends came to say good luck and Fr. Red prayed for we did our thing. what we have been practicing for so long...yet I was dissapointed..,,i knew I could have done it better...the other countries had wireless mic so they could hop everywhere,..while we had wires wrapped around our moving around was not a good idea unless you want to rip the wires out of the instruments...crap...

anywayyyy...i enjoyed it

61st: IM BACK!

hiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!! i'm back from Italy and I have TONS OF STUFF to tell you!!!!:D omg..omg...omg...

ok..i dunno where to start so I guess I'll be writing about the first day..

1st day...HELLA tired! the trip was exhausting...we had a stopover in Paris. Charles DeGaulle...( one of the most irritating airports) *currently smelling my arm( like an addict with a coca...smells like heaven...smells so go0d...not my perfume though... :(*
When we ( Cab, Mimi and K. Jan) got out of the airport...we were surprised to see Dars, Gian, Julian and some Torino people...they waited long for us * they couldn't go before we arrived* :D BWAHAHAHA...anyway...we waited at the church for 6 long hours...argh...dårlig koordinert...and we found 3 Carls...haha..they looked like Carl:D
When we were driving around the city...we spotted this building at a hilltop...looked like Taj Mahal <3 and we were joking...hahah maybe that's the venue...and guess what..IT WAS! we started driving towards it..ahha!!:D anyway..I was so tired *still smelling my arm 'coz of the scent and eating pancit* naaaam<3 on the way to the "Taj Mahal" ...I just slept...inside the car was...the kuya driving...then gian on the the backseat...was me, julian and Caviar:D
scary road from the dining hall to the rooms by the way...bats were flying!!!


omg...sikkert over 300 fluer angrep oss!!:D ekkelt...heftig morsomt å se gutter skvette av insekter:D

torsdag 23. juli 2009

60th: italy!

today was very stressing...

gotta do this
gotta do that...
go there
and here...blablabla...

i had to carry my uniform.*which was btw,,,around 5kilos!* around town..ack!
then i waited for an hour *raining hard too!* then went home...*secret*

anyway...i packed my baggage for italy! i'm so excited!


jeg grugleder meg:D


here we come!

onsdag 22. juli 2009

59th: FREAKING! washing machine got shortcircut...smoke coming I've got to wash my clothes at a self-service laundry outlet? " selvbetjening vask"...crap... costs a lot of money and time...weird people hanging around there..waiting for their laundry as well...I have to pack..!I don't have time. I'm freaking out. Crappy arguments...nonsense.

I'm so irritated that I'm starting to feel my head explode! boom! irritating bunch of teenagers...crap! get the heck away from me!...for the meantime...

mandag 20. juli 2009

58th: BUUUUUURP!!!

hey everyone =)
shopping day with friends:D

looove sale:D

anyway...the banner is almost complete!:D nice nice...!!!

after the practice...
Kuya Dars, Sean, Gian, Chona, Julian and Jaira went out to eat at Egon. Before we decided where to eat...we had an argument...either Indian fo0d or chinese...haha!! then we got nowhere to go than Egon. HAHA!! Egon Eat All You Can! 99 KR for all the pizza you can eat...!!The girls weren't really thaaaat hungry...but we decided to just sit there and eat 'coz of one reason. Anyway...I think I wasted 100kr...'coz I just ate 5 slices...BIG slices with salad...omy...My prayer before eating:

Lord God, help meburn the calories I am about to consume from Thy bounty through Christ our Lord. Amen.

OMG...MY STOMACH IS SO FREAAAAKING FULL!!!!!..... hurts..!!!:D haha ain't gonna eat breakfast and lunch tomorrow...

57th: smack!

i just smacked the crappy mosquito...hmm...'twas huuuge!

56th: scheduled...

anyway...the scheduled ending time will probably 12midnight on then I'll be home and will be able to analyze my last experiment results...crap...what a waste of time...

55th: bored

I'm bored with this "game".
Wanna quit.

*freaking mosquito flying around me...I'ma smash you into pieces, don't mess with a girl on this time of d month or it's hell for you!*

I'm bored with the experiment. Surprising result...I haven't even done anythingwith this experiment and I can already see that it's boring...oh well...freaking mosquito..! you better fly fast!

54th: thoughts


I read my horoscope for fun...i was b0red...although I don't FOLLOW the horoscope..i don't let it lead me and make decisions for me...i just read them and see if something matches... matched....and it says:
- don't let others take advantage og your talents? * huh...who*
- sign up for something that you enjoy * i already did...for 2 months ago...the YFL congress* <---late haha!!

- lucky day on wednesday? what kind of luck? i hope it's super duper go0d!:D wonder what's gonna happen....not going anywhere other than Band Practice, Tusenfryd*return stuff* and Ski... mom hopes she wins the lotto haha!!:D funny...ain't gonna happen I's gambling...not nice...tsk tsk tsk

yeayea....i got a text message from...let's see...pressing the button...<--*listening to Push The button - sugababes...i thought i shud write it* hhaha...well...gotta open the message...see ya:D

53rd: fo0d

so my mom got home from Sweden...
and bought a l000000000000000t of stuff!!!:D

choc0lates, marshmallows, different types of meat, toilet papers and other weird stuff...hmm...
they all make me fat! haha!!:D and I don't need more!!! hahaha...just gotta be careful about what I eat...nammm:P

*listening to music*


søndag 19. juli 2009

52nd: hmmmm

a day...nothing special...

i'm bored.
my m0m's shopping in sweden...
i just shut off the tv 'coz the show is st0ries...crap...*u see..the decoder for the Tv ain't here we temporarily have 7 or so channels...ugh...*

hm...hoping for an exciting day tomorrow:D

lørdag 18. juli 2009

51st: crappy day

ugh...this day has hell of a day...

first of all...the weather sucks! where's the sun!?

can somebody call Mr. Sunshine?!

then...then...then...I got dysmenorrhea...crappy word...crappy feeling...crappy everything...!!
It was sooooooooooooooo bad!!! painful and irritating! why can't the boys have them!? so unfair..the girls suffer more...

then I got home like just now...from a mom irritates me right now...blablabla PC stuff...too long...ja da...*still hotheaded coz of my period*sorry... i just keep quiet...i might go overboard...i swear i could scream the heck out of me right now due to rage....and sTOp! stop please stop sending msn messages..."u" really irritate the crap out of me..!!!


so freaking irri now...

people still irritate me..just seeing them...ugh...

where's my Mr. Sunshine to wash Mr. Rain away...and Mr. Calmer to kick Mr. Hothead's butt!!?

50th! wo0ho0

wo0h0o..!! 50th post!

in yah face!

ahah:D just kiddin'... really irritated me...grrr...

enuf said....well...I went shopping today with my friends!:D and bought this purple highwaisted sh0rt:D sale!! from 599KR to 300:D o0o0o0o0o0o0oh!!!

tomorrow...i'll be:

going to postbanken
attend a conf. party...*gotta find a dressssss*... mom's not feeling well...her head is spinning right round right round haha!:D
well....I ran to Deli De Luca to buy her some fo0d...only to find out that i have dårlig kondis! haha:D after 1 min i was like...*pant* *pant* *stay calm...breathe...* haha!!:D

funny...really got to train...

less than a week to go!!! then it's ITALY TIME!

fredag 17. juli 2009

49th: McDo

so after band practice...Me,Bea and Julian ate at McDo...ahha..!! funny...bea and I found out that he likes megan fox a lot...then...i revealed that she is actually..a he..haha!!:D found out on the net...yea yea..haha!! home around 23.30...hahha!!:D

torsdag 16. juli 2009

48th: yes

hmmm...har sagt det er laaaaaangt fra byen...omg...og jeg reiser dagen etter...kl 04.00!!...øløø...gotta say no...sorry

47th: aftermath...

last night was....wo0ah! Lightning, thunder and heavy rain!!!
omy...that's the aftermath of the hottest week in the's night...STORM! and daaang! thunders creep me does the's ok a heartwarming *it was freezing last night* sms...somewhere around 2.20 scared the hell out of me! i mean...i was trying to sleep...then the ringtone..."DING" caught me by surprise...what surprised me most was who it was from...oh well... it kept me calm...and everything went just fine...


i was supposed to:
go jogging
go shopping
and check my bankcard...

what i accomplished...
nothing...i sat infront of the laptop...


I found these quotes posted in a video...while i was listening to You Set Me Free - M.Branch

*notice the highlighted ones...why are they highlighted?...LOL*

Everyone loves that feeling you get when you see the one you love, but what if you see him love someone else…<’3

He gave her 12 roses, 11 real and 1 fake, and then he said: I will love you till the last 1 dies…<3

If you can’t get someone out of your head, then maybe they are meant to be there…<3

We will all soon find out that the one person that was never gonna let us down…probably will…<’3

You said: You can fall from a tree and I’ll catch you. You can fall from the sky and I’ll still be there to catch you. But I’ll never catch you if you fall for me…<’3

You can fall from the sky, you can fall from a tree..but the best way to fall is inlove with me…<3

The worst way to miss someone is to have them sit right next to you and know that you can never have them…<’3

Never give up if you still want to try…<’3

Never say you don’t like him, if you can’t let him go…<’3

Never say you’re over him if you still don’t know…<’3

You said you wanted true love when it was right in front of your face…still you never noticed me<’3


Maybe I’m not over him...but maybe because I don’t want to…<’3

I want to be the girl he points straight at and say that’s my girl…<3

You sang the words with the song while looking into my eyes… “why do you keep playing with my heart?” and I whispered to myself : “ Why do you?”<’3

It’s funny when someone breaks your heart and you can still love them with the little pieces…<’3

What happens if he’s your prince charming…but you’re not his Cinderella…<’3

You love girls. You love to make them happy. But you have this one girl…and she is happy…<’3


46th: experiment's side effects

go0d dawn everyone:D
01:40 am...

im hungry...


i'm really happy that I can't be harmed by the "attacks" haha!! coz my defence wall is 100% sure...'s sad...i's been a year now..or more...and's like a hole opened in my heart *that's just plain drama*

anyway...further research on my experiment...i won't close this "experiment" yet...but...another experiment is brewing...waiting for the right time to bubble up...

45th: lied?

Facebook Friend Facts Question:

Has Julianne ever lied to avoid a date?
- yes...only that it's not considered as one...just an outing watch a match or something

- guess who...the person u think I might not turn down...guess what? i just did. I couldn't even give a reason why I won't go. I just said no.

44th: day 2 of d experiment...

kon-kon everyone! *short for konnichiwa/konbanwa*

so..another practise at ungdomslokalet today:D

nice...although golds were wasted...according to Chris...time is gold:D
sooo...we were supposed to meet there by 12....I arrived 12:45...some 2 or 3..haha!!! yeah---although the prac was nice:D got some audience too000!!:D

Experiment's Conclusion:

- So far so good.
- I'm immuned..!! the attacks don't even get to me by more than 0.2%.
- I can't really say that my defence wall is steady...0.2% can still pass through...but...I'll make my wall 100% safe.

tirsdag 14. juli 2009

43rd: what a day

heja..! as usual...YFL band had practice for the band competition in Torino, Italy.
i'm really excited yet nervous. excited to see a lot of familar faces and nervous about the competition...we don't want to let people we will do our best..and God will do the rest!

well...we didn't just concentrate on playing music...we finished our Praise Parade as well!! yey!! so...a couple of nice moves and some scary ones haha!!! haha!! im really excited...

haha...what a day...i had pains in my stomach and I was dizzy...felt like I was going to pass out! but I kept my head co0l...that did not stop my plan from being executed...

The experiment's hypothesis:

- I wanted to find out if what a certain person does...affects me. RESULT: surprisingly no.

- during a party, a friend told me to *PLAY* fire with did...
and I answered the persons actions from the moment he/she/it did. RESULT: 50/50....
it was weird..but I did fight fire with fire..not with an extinguisher <3

søndag 12. juli 2009

42nd: blableblibloblu<3

brillllliant practice today...haha!! * coz it's sunday and we got to eat a lot of sweets*
starting to feel the nerves though,,,i don't usually feel nervous 2 weeks before the event...i usually feel it a couple of hours before:D but now..i dunno...! haha GOOD LUCK to us!! haha!!:D aww...hope we win...we will!!!...practise hard!haha

natta for now...*mwuah*<3>

lørdag 11. juli 2009

41st: Out of reach...

I just remembered a wonderful song...that might actually fit me...i know it's old...but i like it...

Out of Reach - Gabrielle <3

Knew the signs
Wasn't right
I was stupid for a while
Swept away by you
And now I feel like a fool
So confused,
My heart's bruised
Was I ever loved by you?

Out of reach, so far
I never had your heart
Out of reach,
Couldn't see
We were never
Meant to be

Catch myself
From despair

I could drown
If I stay here
Keeping busy everyday
I know I will be OK

But I was
So confused,
My heart's bruised
Was I ever loved by you?

Out of reach, so far
I never had your heart
Out of reach,
Couldn't see
We were never
Meant to be

So much hurt,
So much pain

Takes a while
To regain
What is lost inside
And I hope that in time,
You'll be out of my mind
And I'll be over you

But now I'm
So confused,
My heart's bruised
Was I ever loved by you?

Out of reach,
So far
I never had your heart
Out of reach,
Couldn't see
We were never
Meant to be

Out of reach,
So far
You never gave your heart
In my reach, I can see
There's a life out there
For me

40th: ...

pheeww...what a day...Me and my friend went out to find band outfits..!!<3
the theme was supposed to be: black n pink...what we ended up was pink, black and violet:D
haha..:D *was so tired*

grrr...i was planning on returning the books to Deichmanske Bibliotek...only to find that it's closed! grrr...i already have a fine of 50 they're it going to increase? hmmm

oh well...i ate a LOT today..!! gotta burn off the calories...omg...

YFL CONGRESS is only a couple of weeks away...

YEY..i reached 40 posts...

torsdag 9. juli 2009

39th: to do or not to do? yea..i'm bored with my hair...*something in the bathroom keeps on stick - on - the -wall hangers* haha!!:D

i wanna cut mah's so...yeah...

grr....i've been feeling so hot-headed lately..trying not to steam it off on someone...don't wanna hurt somebody *literally?* bored...!! so excited though!!

so excited for:

YFL Congress in Italy!! *w0oh0o*
A new school everything!!:D<3
cutting my hair * n0t me...i don't trust myself when it involves scissors and hairs haha*

onsdag 8. juli 2009

38th: <3 of<'3

aw...he just logged in on msn...coincidence? as soon as I decided to write this blog about a person...that person just popped in my screen *NOT LITERALLY* if <----that's possible I just don't love you no more( Don't love you no more - C. David)
but I'm still not over you ( P.S I'm still not over you - Rihanna)
'coz how can one miss what she's never had,
how can I reminisce if there is no past,
how can i have memories of being happy with u boy,
can you tell me how could this be?
how can my mind pull up incidents? recall dates and times that never happened
how could be celebrate a love that's too late
I missed the times that we almost shared
I miss the love that was almost there
I miss the times that we use to kiss *<---ikke aktuelt for meg haha* At least in my dreams
Just let me take my time and reminisce
I miss the times that we never had
What happened to us we were almost there
Whoever said it's impossible to miss when you never had
Never almost had you
( Almost - Tamia)

remiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix!...stop the em0 m0od! m00oo00ooo00!!

37th: ICE AGE!

ice age is here! well...don't w0rry...just the movie:Dhehe

so i watched it with my m0m this freakin' hilarious! haha with the 3D just makes the movie experience better!

here's the thing...

I got accepted by the school that I applied for! yeeeehaa cowboy! * and's not a cowboy school* OSLO KATEDRALSKOLE BABY! ^*and is not a part of the name* feels like a big load got lifted from my shoulder...thank GOD!<3

tirsdag 7. juli 2009

36th: Reunion with the WWW

HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYY!!!! have no idea how it feels to have the internet baaack!! almost 2 weeks w/o it! hhaha i know it seems such a short period of time...but to me...and to other internet's eternity!

i have a lot of catching up to do...
aww...i'm so tired...i want to write all about these 2 weeks...

hmmm...i'll write tomorrow...i'm watching tv... still gotta:

learn how t0 palm mute guitar strings...*searching the net*
follow up my facebook stuff...
exercise...*coz i ate a LOT of chocolate*