mandag 20. juli 2009

58th: BUUUUUURP!!!

hey everyone =)
shopping day with friends:D

looove sale:D

anyway...the banner is almost complete!:D nice nice...!!!

after the practice...
Kuya Dars, Sean, Gian, Chona, Julian and Jaira went out to eat at Egon. Before we decided where to eat...we had an argument...either Indian fo0d or chinese...haha!! then we got nowhere to go than Egon. HAHA!! Egon Eat All You Can! 99 KR for all the pizza you can eat...!!The girls weren't really thaaaat hungry...but we decided to just sit there and eat 'coz of one reason. Anyway...I think I wasted 100kr...'coz I just ate 5 slices...BIG slices with salad...omy...My prayer before eating:

Lord God, help meburn the calories I am about to consume from Thy bounty through Christ our Lord. Amen.

OMG...MY STOMACH IS SO FREAAAAKING FULL!!!!!..... hurts..!!!:D haha ain't gonna eat breakfast and lunch tomorrow...

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