tirsdag 14. juli 2009

43rd: what a day

heja..! as usual...YFL band had practice for the band competition in Torino, Italy.
i'm really excited yet nervous. excited to see a lot of familar faces and nervous about the competition...we don't want to let people down..so we will do our best..and God will do the rest!

well...we didn't just concentrate on playing music...we finished our Praise Parade as well!! yey!! so...a couple of nice moves and some scary ones haha!!! haha!! im really excited...

haha...what a day...i had pains in my stomach and I was dizzy...felt like I was going to pass out! but I kept my head co0l...that did not stop my plan from being executed...

The experiment's hypothesis:

- I wanted to find out if what a certain person does...affects me. RESULT: surprisingly no.

- during a party, a friend told me to *PLAY* fire with fire...so...I did...
and I answered the persons actions from the moment he/she/it did. RESULT: 50/50....
it was weird..but I did fight fire with fire..not with an extinguisher <3

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