mandag 31. mai 2010

move forward.

hey hey...been catching up with som Nship episodes xD
bored...and it's hard to concentrate on school when the weather is so  nice =)

i like!


...true true...


In order to survive, we cling to all we know and understand. And we label it reality
But knowledge and understanding are ambiguos. That reality could be an illusion.

 ...what happened to my nose there? weird.


I don't think I've deleted thousands of messages before.

Never Had A Dream Come True - cover by Albert + Jenny

Everybody's got something they had to leave behind
One regret from yesterday that just seems to grow with time
There's no use looking back or wondering (or wondering)
How it could be now or might have been (or might have been)
All this I know but still I can't find ways to let you go

I never had a dream come true
'Till the day that I found you
Even though I pretend that I've moved on
You'll always be my baby
I never found the words to say
You're the one I think about each day
And I know no matter where life takes me to
A part of me will always be with you

You'll always be the one I know I'll never forget.

...and enough of that emo about some laughter? haha

charlie bit meeeeeeeeeh


it's nice looking back at good old memories.

Weak - Jesse B.

It was the summer wind,
That blew you into my life,
It was the light and the sun that shined down on me
It was your beautiful eyes that looked into mine,
At least I hope,
It was you,
It's been said over and over and over,
That I can't get enough of your lovin girl,
I know I'm crazy and young so stupid but sometimes,
But I hope you realize that my love,
My love for you is true

Do you know,
You are beautiful,
Cuz all I know is that I get weak
Everytime you start to tease me under my sheets,
Everytime you look at me,
Everytime you look at me

Love on a Lifeline -Jesse B.-
Never ever thought i'd find another lover
Didn't think I'd ever need another
You were the one for me
But suddenly you changed
And you didn't even want me
But it's okay
You won't love him like you love me
You were the one for me

You played me like a fool
And you thought that it was easy
You had to let me know
In the letter that you wrote me
I don't wanna watch you walk away
There's nothing to say but, baby

I don't wanna miss you no more (No more)
And I don't wanna see you walking through that door
(Through that door, baby)
I can't take it anymore
Got to let you know that I'm over you
'Cause it's a love on a lifeline
Won't spend a lifetime

Nothing's gonna change my mind
Change my mind


studio version of:
She Was Mine - Jesse B.-

It's only physically
but you know that you will be on my mind
Twenty-four hours at a time
Cause in my eyes, you were mine (you were mine)

No matter where you go, i won't be very far
Cause in my head i'll be right there where you are
Cause love has no distance baby
Love, love has no distance baby
No, not when it comes to you and me
...if you wanna play it like a game, well come on come on let's play.
'Coz I'd rather waste my life pretending than have to forget you for one whole minute.
CrushCrushCrush - Paramore 

It was the summer wind, That blew you into my life, It was the light and the sun that shined down on me It was your beautiful eyes that looked into mine, At least I hope, it was you. - jesse.- say 1000 words, eh?
find C and D

give away'en fra konfirmasjonen til Sean.


søndag 30. mai 2010

just like when Sasuke broke out from Itachi's Tsukuyomi, I am free. I recovered. Though I suffered some damages, I learned what's real and what's illusion. Thanks.

chill day today.
did a little catching up with NShi.

btw, here's a nice song =)

Secret Valentine

-We'll write a song, that turns out the lights, when both boy and girl start suddenly shaking inside ... don't waste your time, speed up ya breathin just close your eyes. -

off to burn all the fats from yesterday's oreo cake!! xD! :3


fredag 28. mai 2010

rearrange the sky, so that each and every woman, coud find a perfect guy.

sooo...I thought I'd strike up a conversation with my oh so nice bestfriend! =) haven't seen in her 4 years? :(
...then I noticed her relationship status was changed from "in a rel." to "single"
turned out to be at kjæresten hennes drev med å flørtet med andre jenter og that kind of stuff...skal ikke gå inn i ja..."those" stuff...uff...
ugh...savner henne så! Du fortjener noen som vil elske deg og bare deg ;)
he's somewhere out there... :) we're still rush ;) 
<3 Glad i deg<3


oh crap.

yes da...ferdig med alle 4 framføringene denne uken...sliiiten -_-".
men men...jeg skal klippe håret senere...og "be daring" daw...
så...uhm...usikker om hårfrisyren kommer til å passe'll see...
håper jeg ikke ender opp sånn her...
sucks to be him xD!


onsdag 26. mai 2010

åh fy fader!

 omg omg omg...!!
aldri hatt en prøve som gikk så dårliiiiiiig...! oh well xD! det går an å bli så dum =P
oh well...oh well...oh well...
jeg er ikke lei meg... får bare så lættis av karakteren  =P

tirsdag 25. mai 2010

Love makes it harder to sleep because reality is better than your dreams.

 (...idioter? nei...modige.)
Love, eh? 
må fokusere på skolen først, men hvis den banker på døra...who am I to shut the door right in it's face?

men men...åh...hva er det som skjer med drømmene mine? gets weirder and weirder...

1. jeg bor sammen med piiiiiiiiip???
2. vi bor i en luksusleilighet? woohoo
3. mamma sitter og chatter på msn...i samme rom som jeg og piiiiiip sover i? wtf?
4. piiiiiiip og piiiiiips familie er vampyrer? haha...alt for mye twilight, vam. diaries osv xD!
5. under det New York Subway...og Harry Potter skapninger er overalt? huh?

let's see hvem og hvilken skapning dukker i drømmene mine i natt xD!


if you are tired and weary... I can take over.

I found this on My Documents.
I don't remember why or who said this to me...all I know is that I saved it on microsoft word.
oh well.

u have to make a decision..and be firm and strong about it
doon ka sa alam mo na masaya ka, less problems and complications
nothing is perfect but i don't want wrinkles on my face as well
 darling, hindi ako masochist..i dont want to hurt myself inside if i feel i have done my best but it will not work, i won't prolong the agony
it will not work out if a relationship have its doubts
no matter how u work hard on it... it's hard to teach old dogs new tricks.


mandag 24. mai 2010

"er på DILLERN" ...

oh yeah..! I was 100% I am 150%!
hadde nettopp band møte gjennom skype...siden de ikke ville ut på AkerBrygge..hay naku.
place...check! i think...

nå gjenstår det bare å sette alt vi skal greie det..woohoo..!!!
CONGRESS '10 here we come..!! xD!


...stakkars Chona...hun ble mobbet av Jas og Dars..."DILLERN"...haha lol 
...du yå rimimber
...ambot sa imo
...asl...7 år og gej
...skypefail møte. skype.
...øve i hagen = nabovarsel

full out.

weirdest dream ever!!! it goes.

I went to a ball...and I had a date with me. He met me there and he was so gwapo. haha! it was surprisingly G.A (ikke general assembly xD!) we danced and woohoo it was so kiligs. And then we sat down, he said he had to go, so I followed him to the bus station...and then his mom called...his faced changed...he turned into J.L...i was like...whaaaaat? His mom wants him back in London xD! haha!!! 
then I fell down? (weird) then he kissed me? (wtf?) but when he did..his faced changed again...into J.E? whaaaat? there's J.E nr 1, J.E nr 2 and J.E nr 3...i haven't seen them in ages.
the other J.E is half greek and filipino...hawt...not. he WAS cute...what happened? haha!  =P

but then but then...when that dude kissed me i knew exactly whooo it was... then he changed to J.L again...! then we went to the Asian Street? (hæ?) then he started panting hard...then he disappeared? (HUH?)
then I called his phone..."This person cannot be reached. He is either dead or a vampire." (WTFFFFF?!) hahaha...lættis!!! =) så døde jeg? så så jeg han igjen siden vi var døde? (hæ?)
...så våkna jeg?

skypemøte ftw =)
siden de er så lateeee...!!!!
funny though =)


lørdag 22. mai 2010


you oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh you make me happy.

fra Ghost Whisperer.
it's so niiiiice...and listening to it makes me  happy!
so...summer-ish xD!

iLove 100%



jeg bestemte meg for å ikke ha en debut. det er bare stress og hvis det blir som ****** ***** party...da gidder jeg ikke. så...jeg tenkte at jeg skal be mamma om å gi meg lov til å reise til Amerika...
før jeg kunne snakke med henne om det...kom hun bort til mæ og sa:

Jeg har tenkt litt. Istedenfor å ha en debut, vi kan jo reise til America i 4 uker. Se hele US.
hva sier du?

omg...coincidence? anyway...da blir det 4 sunny weeks in US da! xD!oh yeah! digg...!
kommer til å koste mer enn én debut men who care! woohoo =)
iLike! <3
det blir digg!


'cause there's you and me...and all of the people.

hey hey =)
i dag var jeg og mamma på Alnabru og windowshoppa fliser. woohoo. lol.
vi skal pusse opp leiligheten woohoo...!nye møbler osv...! iLike!
det er såååå mye å glede meg til i sommeren!!

tanten og fetteren min fra Tyskland kommer
ny leilighet
og relax!


fredag 21. mai 2010

sleepless night.

nå har jeg nettopp sett gårsdagens episode av PH.
woohoo T og C! stakkars N og Th xD!

anyway...Knock You Down er på The Voice akkurat nå og det gir meg minner om Congress 09!! savner TORINO to the fullest!!!

men i går natt...klarte jeg nesten ikke å sove...sommerfugler i magen!!!
fordiiiii jeg var såååå spent!!!!
CONGRESS '10!!!! <3 grugleder meg...!! 
vet det er 2mnd til, men det kommer til å gå så fort...
 there's gonna be a lot of fooling around
...and hard competition.

and of course...
reuniting with The Almighty.


true friends are like diamonds, precious and rare. Fake friends are like leaves, found everywhere.

seems like a lot of people i know are whining about fake friends, lately.
so I'll go with the flow

you start backstabbing me
and going against your word
thinking: "Oh, she'll never find out."
guess what
i heard. 

Through the toughest times, you made me sad
you just had to put shit it my face to make me mad
I've had enough of all that you do
Think you got me conquered over? Well screw you too.


drop the "we love everybody" - act.


onsdag 19. mai 2010

you make my heart beat faster.

congress 2010.
Be Almighty.
The Almighty.
pumped up.
oh snap.
you're going down.


boom boom boom. I want you in my room. let's spend the night together, from now until forever. ♥

farget håret.
...we'll see how this will turn out.


tirsdag 18. mai 2010

åh herregud. et nei er et nei. hva mer trenger du? STOP IT. I'm not interested.

ååååh herregud...!! jeg tror ikke jeg har sagt sååå mye piss i løpet av ett minutt!

Det var en dude på biblioteket som ropte på meg. Jeg hørte ikke han fordi jeg hørte på musikk. But stupid as I am, I took out my earphones...maybe I dropped something and he was just gonna return it?

Dude: Hey, how are you?
Me: *wtf?* Uhm...I'm fine.
Dude: My name is ( jeg husker ikke.) What's yours?
Me: Lianne. Why?
Dude: I was just hoping we could be friends. 
Me: *åh nei...* *panikk* 
Dude: Do you have a moment? Maybe an hour?
Me: Oh ...I'm sorry. I can't. I'm leaving tomorrow...uhm... I have to pack. (wtf...)
Dude: Where to?
Dude: Why????
Me: parents live there. They...uh...want me to go and live there.
Dude: Are you?
Me: yeah?
Dude: Am I going far here?
Me: *endelig skjønte han det, phew*  Yes, a bit.
Dude: So how old are you?
Me: *WTF?!* I'm 17.  
Dude: Maybe someday we can meet in Paris?
Me: *HA! in your dreams!* eh...i dunno. I'm someone. *LOL!*
Dude: What are you gonna do today?
Me: *back off, dude* I' some last minute paperwork and pack.
Dude: Oh, can you give me your email add?
Me: *hoho, jeg gir deg en gammel og ubrukt email.* Sure.
Dude: Thanks, here's mine. Are you on facebook?
Me: *24/7* No...I...uhm..deleted it. Because...uhm...a lot of people were spamming it. *LAME UNNSKYLDNING!*
Dude: oh ok. 
Me: yeah, well I gotta go. Nice meeting you. *not*
Dude: Yeah, let's keep in touch via email, because today is not possible if you say so.
Me: yeah sure. *NOT!*

herregud. så pushy. tanda na niya xD! ...og han var svett i hånda.
jeg håpet på at noen jeg kjenner skulle dukke opp og bruke han som kjæresten min haha!! xD!
hjelp. han var så ew. møtte Chrisrose der også, men ho dro før meg. Hadde vært lættis å se hvordan hun håndterer situasjonen xD!

...ah gawd. 

20 grader i dag!!! iLove!
så jeg gikk med shorts! og det var ikke kaldt! <3
iLove sun! <3


søndag 16. mai 2010

I'm not you. You're not me. We are so different, yet so alike.

black mascara stains from 21.12.09/22.12.09
i don't think anybody has seen me cry a lot than my blanket and my panda bear.



Love is such a great thing. Makes you laugh. Makes you cry. Makes you wonder why.

Yiruma Night...again.
i just <3 his pieces.
So calming, soothing, relaxing, beautiful, emotional, romantic and precious.

Love Me.
Such a wonderful piece, indeed.


What is life?

Stop saying you'resorry. I'll get revenge later. hoho.
girl: let's just break up!
boy: it's ok, i'll just go back to my ex!
girl: we're officially break!
-the next day-
boy: hon, I still love you.
girl:  aren't we broken up already? and you'll go back to your ex?
boy: yeah, I'm returning to my ex.

pix fra rach sin tumblr.


relieved. but I don't really care. wasn't surprised. i knew it would happen.

i had this weirdest dream yesterday. 
well...i would rather call it  a nightmare.
beautiful nightmare? hell no.

it was so weird.
let's say...B1 and B2 (haha..! bananas in pajamas!)
were in the park...too much PDA.
B1 was sitting on top of B2's lap. Then the two bananas started making out. Let's just say...
the last people..ehem..bananas... on earth that I would like to see making out would be them...
well..maybe not. But still. Ew.

...who are they? i dunno... xD!

i finally made oreo ice cream cake... =) super sweeeet...and the fact that I have tonsillitis, isn't helping. It's just making it worse. 
mixing vanilla ice cream, oreos and walnuts! <3

result....still in the freezer though xD!

listen to this...!! xD!

...the quote there is a part of the lyrics.
this song is sooo soothing...! iLike!

Summer 2010 prediction:
I'm reaaaaally scared. What might happen. Hope history doesn't repeat itself.

oh and yeah...
this is what happens when I hit too hard.
hey...! the lady said: "Hit it as hard as you can! Imagine it's a person who irritates you!" 


lørdag 15. mai 2010

bitcheeeees and hoes.

Boy: I don't like what you're wearing. It's so short.
Girl: ok. sorry.
Boy: Next time, wear something really really long. Understand?
Girl: Am I a nun?
Boy: Then wear a  veil.
Girl: You're not funny.
Boy: Then I'll put a ring on you. <3
