torsdag 13. mai 2010


fikk stipendet mitt igår...og det kan bare bety én ting.

etter jeg møtte Carl og JoannaH. i går, dro jeg til OC for å lete etter kjolen jeg hadde lyst å kjøpe...
men jeg fant den den ikke. Made me go left, right , up , down, got me spinning round and round......i went to Karl Johan, OC and Stortorvet...but after 279845 hours I finally found it.It was the last one. BUT OMFG! size 42?! I had to find a new alternative. UGH.
I went for a shopping-spreeeee =) and bought Sushi and Tiramisu for my mom. =)

oh they are =)

jeg skulle kjøpe den size 42? wtf?
bought this instead...
found a chain belt in my closet (funny how many stuff you can find when you don't look)
angel top. when you spread your's like u got wings =)
found some old shoes and shoes that haven't been worn
hello plastic bags
hello bills... (all of the receipts of the items I bought since I got my stipend...I didn't get ALL of these receipts yesterday xD!)

oh and drawer is REALLY messy...
a lot of things you want...and NOT! want to find...
and I keep some reaaaaally top secret...CSI classified information there...*hoho*...files from a conversation, perhaps...only Joanna H knows what's hiding in that drawer xD! ...ssssssh...!!!


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