søndag 9. mai 2010

"Do you remember, girl? I was the one who gave you your first kiss." ♥

"The sweetest kiss leaves a chest pain."

hey yo...! :)

When I was a kid, I always fantasized about how my first kiss should be. Perfect, enchanting, with my prince charming in an armor, dreamy, the best and memorable. Then the time came, it was perfect, enchanting, dreamy, the best and hella memorable...but it wasn't with a prince in a shining armor =P
that's not the most important thing...in fact, it doesn't matter if it's perfect or if you right foot pointed in the air (Princess Diaries xD!)...as long as it's with the one you love. Cliché, i know. So what? "It seemed like the time stopped and I was in an another dimension." 

ah...good old times ♥ 

(no special reason for this post, it's only that when Chrisrose and I talked about the kiss in Save The Last Dance...it made me reminisce and well...miss it.  )

Good night everyone,  
                           sleep well 
                                                            ...and sweet dreams


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