mandag 24. mai 2010

full out.

weirdest dream ever!!! it goes.

I went to a ball...and I had a date with me. He met me there and he was so gwapo. haha! it was surprisingly G.A (ikke general assembly xD!) we danced and woohoo it was so kiligs. And then we sat down, he said he had to go, so I followed him to the bus station...and then his mom called...his faced changed...he turned into J.L...i was like...whaaaaat? His mom wants him back in London xD! haha!!! 
then I fell down? (weird) then he kissed me? (wtf?) but when he did..his faced changed again...into J.E? whaaaat? there's J.E nr 1, J.E nr 2 and J.E nr 3...i haven't seen them in ages.
the other J.E is half greek and filipino...hawt...not. he WAS cute...what happened? haha!  =P

but then but then...when that dude kissed me i knew exactly whooo it was... then he changed to J.L again...! then we went to the Asian Street? (hæ?) then he started panting hard...then he disappeared? (HUH?)
then I called his phone..."This person cannot be reached. He is either dead or a vampire." (WTFFFFF?!) hahaha...lættis!!! =) så døde jeg? så så jeg han igjen siden vi var døde? (hæ?)
...så våkna jeg?

skypemøte ftw =)
siden de er så lateeee...!!!!
funny though =)


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