søndag 16. mai 2010

relieved. but I don't really care. wasn't surprised. i knew it would happen.

i had this weirdest dream yesterday. 
well...i would rather call it  a nightmare.
beautiful nightmare? hell no.

it was so weird.
let's say...B1 and B2 (haha..! bananas in pajamas!)
were in the park...too much PDA.
B1 was sitting on top of B2's lap. Then the two bananas started making out. Let's just say...
the last people..ehem..bananas... on earth that I would like to see making out would be them...
well..maybe not. But still. Ew.

...who are they? i dunno... xD!

i finally made oreo ice cream cake... =) super sweeeet...and the fact that I have tonsillitis, isn't helping. It's just making it worse. 
mixing vanilla ice cream, oreos and walnuts! <3

result....still in the freezer though xD!

listen to this...!! xD!

...the quote there is a part of the lyrics.
this song is sooo soothing...! iLike!

Summer 2010 prediction:
I'm reaaaaally scared. What might happen. Hope history doesn't repeat itself.

oh and yeah...
this is what happens when I hit too hard.
hey...! the lady said: "Hit it as hard as you can! Imagine it's a person who irritates you!" 


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