lørdag 17. juli 2010

For you I gave my heart and turned my back against the world 'Cause you were my guy, guy, guy. I done damn near lost my mama, I done been through so much drama I done turned into the girl that I never thought I'd be.

yeah...chatter med en dude...og han spør meg om kjærlighetsråd...fordi eksen hans kyssa han plutselig etter en "venn-date"..she is sending mixed signals...and he is...of course confused...who wouldn't be?
she texts him saying "Come and sleep beside me etc.." 

but...uhm...im not the best person to ask love advises from...

but...I would say the best thing to do is just talk to her...clarify things up...all or nothing...harsh, yet true...det kan hende at hun er bare fysisk tiltrukket av han....og vil ikke commit...sånne confusing people who doesn't know what they want...they can be reaaaaally confusing and lead you to one of the hardest heartbreaks, you know...so yeah...communication is veeeery important...

c'mon...who says those things, hold his hands and even kisses him...and say: i just wanna be friends...wtf..friends with benefits? that's just...yeah. 

follow your heart and what makes you happy...just be careful.


"I learned that the hard way."

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