onsdag 7. juli 2010

I don't care, whatever. Lol, jk, I do.

okeeeeey... imma fit two weeks of no blogging in one post =)
ew...gonna take some time and hella lot of pictures.

+ I picked up my aunt and her son who flew from Germany...fail. He couldn't speak any language other than German. Language-barrier. Ouch. 
the first thing I said to him was: 

 + flytta til Veitvet. Woohoo. Linje 5. Følger Tantan jo! Frogner..og så Veitvet. LOL!
+ Har ikke hatt nett i to uker, ergo, null blogging. No facebook. No everything. I realized how dependant I became of internet.
+ Band + Shortfilm + Praise practices...woohoo. I'm getting scared.
+ Was at the beach with the gang.
+ Had a sleepover at Andre with Silje, Carl and Joanna. Watched "The Fourth Kind". I couldn't sleep. Great. Scary. Made sushi.
+ Went jogging with Ian and Tantan at Veitvet. OUCH! Ian pushed us when we stopped. HARDT LIV.
+ played MarioKart with the same peeps. I lost. Came at 12th place every single time. The first thing I do at every round...is to crash into a wall. 3...2...1...crash! As a consequence, I had to chug two glasses of water. BLÆH!
 han er egentlig driiithøy.
uff...kjøpte sofa og tv-bord. (mine penger..woof...10000kr...blakk!)
party hos MK! woohoo...!
mens de andre var på vors, dro vi til AkerB. for some Wayne's coffee action =)
hello models xD! 983473458 asian people invaded the beach xD!

jeg turte ikke å gå foran Julian, dars og Brion fordi de drev med å få folk til å tryne med foten.
Find Andre...!!! xD
got bored so I experimented with my phone =)
silje <3

life is good.
know your TRUE friends, though.
or else you'll get burned.

Good night! =)


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