torsdag 22. juli 2010

"I will love you, no matter what."

it's 03.43 am...and my eyes are tired...especially after wearing contact lenses whole day...and I even slept without taking them off...i dozed off right awaaaaaaaay...!
i call them..the JLenses xD



who knows what the future might bring? 
maybe in a few years? who knows? right's best to leave it alone and wait for the right time to make the right move. No need to rush. "What they don't know, only makes us stronger."

"Hvorfor lete når du kan vente?" - YFL
but if everybody waits...nothing will happen...

Heaven - Jamie Foxx
I refrained myself from listening to this song for a couple of months. Hard. But it was the smartest thing to do...but yesterday...a friend of mine wanted me to play that song...and I almost cried. She looked back at me and said:
"Awww." the universal word used in situations when you don't know what to say...that's what I think. 
I don't think any other song has as much impact and meaning to me than this masterpiece from Jamie Foxx...iLoveIt.

"Jeg skal lære meg den første delen. Du lærer deg andre delen og vi skal lære hverandre."

"ring meg når du ser denne meldingen."

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