fredag 9. april 2010


here you go.
( ugh, don't ask. Just some girl at school.)

det er såååå digg når sola skinner =)
Skolen i dag har vært så kjedelig. UGH.

Ser på Ghost Whisperer, underholdende...much? 
men stikker snart til CA.

internett lok. shit. utrolig hva man kan finne på nettet:

is it just me or is this not funny at all?

Daily Dialogue
G: I will always love you no matter what.
G: No matter what?
G: Yes, no matter what.
G: oh...ok.

Daily Dialogue 2
(fra internett...again...jenter blir påvirket av tv-serier jo! WTF?)
#1: "I don't want to live a life based on One Tree Hill. Too much backstabbing and drama."
#2: "Isn't that what you like?"
#1: "What?! What do you mean!?"
#2: "Oh save your breath. I know you like this. Stop it."
#1: "What the hell?"
#2: "Don't "what the hell me. You know I'm right."
#1: "Oh well. Guilty as charged."

oh well...skal stikke nuuuu...! ha di.


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