onsdag 14. april 2010

New start.

You've been a greaaaaat part of my life...♥ ♥ ♥ 
I learned a lot from this. Thank you. 
...(-_-")...drama? ugh. fått nok.

I gotta say goodbye.
Goodbye, St. Hanshaugen
and hello...

veitvet?! woi...hello.

bye bye, city...! gonna miss living in the city...(lol...the City...i'm moving to...the hills?..xD!)
oh well...I've got new neighbours (tantan, ian, via, don, ian2 osv) and I get to decorate my room again..paint it...osv...
hmmmm...litt skeptisk men gleder meg =)
2 plan...tror det blir litt for stor når det er bare mamma og meg xD!
oh well..! =) happy happy happy :)


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