lørdag 10. april 2010

"Sorry, maybe next time."

Good day!
Mamma vekket meg kl 09. Hvorfor? Fordi hun vil trene, og da må jeg bli med fordi trening alene er ikke gøy.
Pasta for lunch! og grill for dinner? Lurer på om jeg skal til Dars og grille, rydde rommet mitt, ha Scrubs-marathon, slappe av hjemme eller skrive ferdig innleveringen? merkelig nok så vil jeg skrive ferdig med innleveringen slik at jeg ikke trenger å tenke på det xD!
oh well...det er litt morsomt å chatte med Joanna-ting om hvordan horoskoper er lættis xD!

WackyIdeaOfTheDay #1
1. Write your own predictions about how you would like your day to be on a piece of paper.
2. Roll the paper.
3. Put it in a box.
4. Repeat the steps.
5. Pick 1 everyday 
...and voila! you have your own horoscope.


"Knowing how to fulfill your own needs doesn't cut you off from other people; it makes you happy whether you have someone or not. There are moments when only you can give yourself the love that you need. It may feel like a lonely journey at times, but when you reach the end of the road you'll have something that no one can ever take away from you. But that joy, that self-satisfaction, is something you can share forever without losing any of it."


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