lørdag 3. april 2010

" I brushed my teeth and cleansed my mouth a million times to erase the memory of your presence there."

It's not that you can fall in love with someone new because you forgot the old.. It's because you fall in love with someone new that you're able to forget about the old. Only love can heal a heart that was hurt by love... 

- Jai-


sooo...good morning to you people...!!!

tomorrow is finally easter...!!! the end of my fasting og chocolates, candies, sodas etc., red meat and rice on fridays...been hard... xD! i failed a couple of times, i admit that xD!

but whatever...!!!!!!! uff...vacation is almost over...ew...

haven't done anything special tho...

+ ate

+ took Core classes with my mom and Andrea xD! (ouch.)

+ movie night and dinner at De Jesus' house with Joanna, Carl and Andie. (and tito xD!)

+went swimming with my mom

+ worked out with Andie (we were inside this steambath room for about 30-45 min..!! funny tho xD!)

+ Pilates with my mom at Elixia...omg...aching muscles...pain...oh pain!

no pain, no gain.

(my plan was to do some homework + projects... result? 0% done!)

 on the third day He rose again...

ascended into heaven? xD!

i haven't had chocolate for a looong time...so I would probably look like this tomorrow...

God Påske!!! <3




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