tirsdag 1. september 2009

186th: when we say...

still loving "When We Say - Aj Rafael"...<3 <3 <3 it...

message :

expecting is one way of hurting yourself...

a little extract from the lyrics:

this is the part when we say were in love
and the part where we say it's forever
but this ain't a fantasy
i know you can't come with me
you got your life
she'd better be treatin you right

this hurts so much to know that you're
with someone else when you should be with me
its just hard to accept that i cant be around
she better be treatin' you good
i'm no einstein but i know a sign
when i see one
and i know you love me too
...( kapaaaal)

aww...how sad... but Aj's voice is angelic :D and so is the melody...


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