søndag 27. september 2009

236th: reminisce...

ok...i'm extremely bored.
( read between the lines ) that's what they always say....do so...

so I started reading my blog....my old posts...omgosh...i can't belive i blog ALL THE FREAKING TIME! i really must have som fritidsproblemer =)

some are fail...some are super fail...some are personal...some are just so random...some are boring...yeah...u get the point...

16 years. 
4 years ago. 
Missed a lot in the past 4 years.
3 months ago.
" you are the music in me"  ♪♫
Everyday since then.
everyday for three months.
3 months can't summarize 4 years.
3 months to 3 days.
3 days.
On the second day.
I can make it.
It's easy peasy.
The previous line is a 50% lie.
after 3 months.
3 days seems like 30 years.
1 more day.

that's what you get when you let your heart win...woah woah woah ♪♫

did u understand this post?

" I miss my dad"

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