onsdag 30. september 2009

245th: a mah gad...

today...today...today...i woke up at 6.45 am! i was supposed to pick something up...but I overslept...so i just picked it up around 8.30...and ...IT WAS FREEZING OUTSIDE OMG! 3 degrees! gaaaaah...!!! -_-''

then then then...off to the city to meet Andrea and her mom...to get our hairs cut! haha girl time =)
i'm happy with the hair change...but the hairstyler kinda faiiiiled a bit =) it looks weird..yea yea...i can live with it tho =) after that...grocery shopping with them...oh my...still was freezing outside...

i met my mom afterwards...and she told me : " I want to cut my hair too"...so she dragged me baaaack to the place gaaaah...since she didn't have a clue of it's whereabouts...but we got to do some shopping at Oslo City too =)


the temptation is BAAAACK again...!!!
i reaaaaally need to hide my bank card...omg...i'm like...kaching here..kaching there...kaching everywhere...!!!
we passed by this store..and I was like " oh ma, that jacket is nice" and she was like : " yeah, let's go in"
HÆÆÆH? my mom? shopping? huh?! okeeeeey? she normally says...."Gastos!!!"....in the end...i asked her to buy me a jacket that cost KR 1349,00!?!?!? omg!

and she didn't argue...? but i had to make a compromise...I'd buy her the jacket she wants too!
which is more expensive than mine! blæææææh....!!!!! oh my stipend money... :( haha!!!

no seriously...gotta fight temptation...!!!


I'll bury my credit card....
I'll drown myself in schoolwork so I won't think of shopping...
or u

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