tirsdag 22. september 2009

224th: wth?!

ok this day...was...crappy...

i had to read the book ( i only had over 100 pages left) but yeah... it's so boring and my motivation is not on it's greatest... supposed to have a spanish test...but the teacher had to cancel it...ugh...and there are matters that I don't even wanna talk about. it's just so...no.

it's so obvious! why the heck did I not see that before?!?! omg! that's just lame...! ugh...now my day is ruined...really...! ugh stupidity reigns over me...! crap ! how couldn't i see it before?! it was so crystal clear...so...so alike...so the same...same tricks eh?
same, lame and who's the one to blame?!


wondering if i should quit blogging?

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