søndag 27. september 2009

230: woohoo! =)

my 230th post! =)

ok ok...blog time =)

Hvor var jeg i går?
- Var hos Andre og feiret bursdagen hans med:
Andrea, Joanna H, Joanna C, Silje, Mari Grace, Kimberly, Bea, Ranica, Jaira,Yasmin,Nicole, Ian, Carl, Andre, Tantan, Harold, Chris Cabiao,Julian, Dars, Boris, Dence, gian...did I forgot somebody? if so sorry =)

We ate DIGG MAT! woof! the br0wnies was sooooo nice :)
then we played Wii and Guitar Hero <3 some chitchatted, some played some games and everybody was having a good time =) it was freezing outside...!!!and then Andi, Carl, Joanna and I went to the De Jesus residence at around....1am? then we slept at 4 =) what in the world were we doing staying up so late? the answer ?
- whining to the max! from 1am to 4 am =) omg...!
- chatted on msn
- were laughing on some pictures of the hollywood stars and their eating habits..uff!
- and more whining! * I never whined so much before...*

woke up at 7am...*wakey wakey* and went back to sleep...woke up at 10am again...was still lying on te bed whining at Andrea again until 12noon...then the breakfast.

The breakfast...Carl warned me about eating breakfast with his dad...I was like : "what's so bad about eating with your dad?" he said: " oh, du får ikke spise ordentlig"

the result? i was laughing all the time...! His dad is so funny...weird...funny =) oh tito haha! so weird topics...discussions and jokes...!! ahahha! scary dad =) oh the chaos :)

After eating breakfast...we were...off to bed again! =)
whine, whine and whine
listened to music that bears memories...
watched TFC
searched for cake recipies
then Andre came over with some coco powder...soooo Joanna, Andrea and I baked chocolate cake <3
had a peaceful time at the balcony..! so fresh air...the hot sun...it's late September...and I still was comfortable going out with just shorts and a t-shirt =) but at night ( like tonight) it's like...10 degrees? brrr! =)

I just got home...Tito kjørte oss hjem...og jeg må sove tidlig i dag...må stå opp tidlig i morgen =)

" I can't stop missing you, wish I could be with you, I can't stop missing you, no no no" ♪♫
"remembering the things that you saiiiiid  ♪♫"
" 'Coz I'll be your crying shoulder"  ♪♫
To whine or not to whine

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